CLASS OF 1950 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Cliff Milner shares this update: “My news is that I am still alive. My family helped me celebrate my 96th birthday last night with pizza and wings . . . my teeth are still working! Actually, my birthday—August 10—is tomorrow. I have had some sicknesses in the past year, but with the help of my local son and daughter, I hope the coming year will be more pleasant! I still live in the home we purchased back in 1958, with my youngest son. My wife, Marilyn, passed away 10 years ago right after we had returned from a trip to Florida, where we visited the families of the three kids living there. My daughter lives in the next town of Webster.

“I have been a radio ham (K2SKO) since 1952 and am the oldest ex-president of our local club. After many years of being a hobbyist woodworker, I finally joined the local woodworking society. It is excellent and I only wish I had joined a long time ago.

“I guess this is enough to fill a spot in the 1950 record! I forgot to mention that I have 19 great-grandchildren; one those kids just got her driving license, so might soon give me a great-great-grandchild.”

CLASS OF 1950 | 2023 | FALL ISSUE

Bud Dorsey has retired from his role as your class secretary. We thank Bud for his dedication to keeping his classmates connected to each other and to Wes over the years, and we hope that he sends in his own update soon.

Dick Powell writes, “I was named ‘Crickets’ when I joined Psi U in the fall of 1946 as a freshman, with the first large class [made up of] many veterans at the end of World War II. Much has happened since that graduation:

“I was drafted into the army five months after graduation and discharged three years later (Korean War) as [a] first lieutenant. I entered the life insurance world as a career, married, and now have two sons, three grandchildren, and three great-granddaughters.

“For pure fun I have sailed our 40-foot Hinkley from Florida to Maine waters [and] became an instrument-rated pilot, flying our Beechcraft Bonanza several thousand hours, mostly on the East Coast.

“We have lived in the Philadelphia suburbs, Florida fly-in community, Pomfret, Vermont, and now living in Kendal at Hanover, New Hampshire, a Quaker retirement community.

“Life at age 95 is still good but a bit slower. When I departed Wesleyan I never thought I would get this far. I have much to be grateful for.

“All good wishes to you of the Class of ’50—Crickets (Dick) Powell.”

Cliff Milner shares, “Exciting news from me! I had my 19th great-grandchild four weeks ago [July 2023] and now awaiting delivery of my 20th. Both happenings right here in Rochester. Both are boys! Let’s see someone in the 1950 class beat that. Of course, I’m helping the odds by being 95 years old.”


Some of you may not have heard about the passing of Frank G. Binswanger Jr. ’50, P’76, ’78, GP’13, ’15 on July 6, 2022. Last summer, President Roth wrote fondly of him, saying, “Frank graduated more than 70 years ago, but he remained keenly interested in alma mater. He was a trustee during the 1970s . . . and over the years, I would receive questions, advice, and encouragement from Frank.” Frank and his brother John ’54, P’83, GP’ 06, ’10, ’16 established the Binswanger Prize for Excellence in Teaching, which is awarded every year at Commencement. Roth’s note concluded by saying, “Teaching, learning, philanthropy—Binswanger traditions. May Frank’s memory be a blessing.”

CLASS OF 1950 | 2022 | FALL ISSUE

I heard from one classmate this time. Cliff E. Milner writes:

“Hi Bud,

“Sorry I never met you while we were at Wes. I just reviewed again my latest issue of the alumni magazine and see no one sent in news for the class of 1950. In years past, I have written up short bits and had the pleasure of seeing them in print, so will try again! I feel very fortunate to show some evidence of not losing my marbles. At 94 years, I ventured out to an auto dealer and bought myself a new Subaru, which turns out to be quite a challenge as it has a vast number of special features, most of which I haven’t figured out yet! I do love the ‘passing car warning’ however. I have a pronounced case of neuropathy of the feet, and I warn friends not to be in front of me when I am driving!!

Cliff Milner

“In February, I acquired a girlfriend . . . a young 91 and we have had a great time taking boat and train excursions and attending the frequent band concerts in this area. This weekend we are going to a blue grass festival down on the Finger Lakes.

“My family is scattered but still fortunate to have some here Rochester. My youngest son (in his 60s!) lives with me and helps with household chores and purchasing food. I have been visiting my Florida families every year in June (my favorite weather time). At the moment, we are stabilized with 12 great-grandchildren. — Cliff

“P.S. Very much saddened by the loss of Len Hippler, a great friend.”