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Not much to report from our classmates in this issue. Maybe next time will be better.

I did hear from Al Kalb. He’s still healthy enough to swim regularly and has no restrictions on other activities. Just does them slower than he used to. I know what he means.

Dick Cassie writes that he is five years removed from the state of New Jersey and living in Newtown, Pennsylvania, with his very significant other of 12 years, Suzy Maguire. He wonders if it’s not too early to start thinking about our 70th Reunion in 2027, when we’ll be in our early 90s. Along those lines, it would be well to make sure the Alumni office ( has your current mailing and email addresses.

Gordon Wilmot says that he and his wife, Marilyn, spent eight nights in Newport, Rhode Island, during which time they celebrated their birthdays. Gordon also writes that he wishes Wesleyan’s Democracy in Action program [that happened on campus this past spring] had presented a conservative perspective to go along with its liberal leanings. 

Bob Anderson has largely retreated into his art making and gardening, while speaking out in church and community for a saner world. He is currently reworking a journal sketch from a medieval monastery he once visited on the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. See a bit of his work on the internet at Bob expresses good wishes and continued collegiality to all our classmates.

Betty and I are well in Hilton Head. Things are gearing up for the annual PGA golf tournament we have here. Traffic will be congested, to say the least. If you’re interested, watch it on TV. Some say CBS airs the show, but others say it’s our Chamber of Commerce that does it all.

Until next time.


Bob Smith |