Spring is sprung, and the emails are blooming, and our 50th Reunion is a year away! I’m looking for at least 100 classmates to help me blow up the Wes record for 50th attendance.
I heard from several new or long-absent contributors. David Arrick calls his five grandkids under age four “my current joy.” After post-Wes years that included business school (UCLA), a CPA career, and 40 years of marriage to his late wife, Andi, the lifelong San Franciscan is trying out living in NYC—a new neighborhood with a new girlfriend. “Work thoughts are rapidly receding. Life is about connecting and reconnecting with friends, adventures, and health on both coasts. Happy to hear from any and all!”

Cindi Aronson Silverman and her husband of 45-plus years, Rick, were in business as owners and operators of a home decorating center in North Chelmsford, Massachusetts, for over 35 years. They raised two sons and have three grandchildren. Cindi and Rick have been very involved in social/political action, immigrant resettling, and the Living Water Children’s Fund NGO. Cindi still plays piano, accompanying her synagogue choir and local community theater productions. Rooming freshman year with Ellen Kabcenell Wayne, started a 50-year friendship, and they surprised one another for [their] 70th birthdays last June and January.
Richard Hume wrote from the edge of semi-retirement after 41 years on the molecular, cellular and developmental biology faculty at the University of Michigan, where he ran the undergraduate neuroscience major, which graduates about 200 students a year. He plans to keep some lab space through 2025 to finish research projects. Up next? Travel (including the Paris Olympics with his wife, Lesley, and his brother, Martin Hume ’78) and spending more time with their kids and grandkids. He reports, “Our daughter, Rebecca Hume ’01, lives in Brooklyn and recently took a new job at The group was founded by experienced members of both political parties who are committed to having the U.S. remain a functioning democracy. Rebecca is the leader for media design strategy. One of the co-founders of the organization is Ian Bassin ’98. Our son, Michael, and his wife, Ashley Murray, are both attorneys in Chicago. They had a daughter in April, and Mike has two kids from his first marriage, Jackson (11) and Olivia (9). Michael and his ex-wife have a 50/50 shared custody arrangement and live only about a mile apart, so the kids can play with friends regardless of which parent’s house they are at.”
David Garrow writes, “I’ve been in Squirrel Hill (Pittsburgh) since 2011, after six wonderful years in Cambridge, UK. I stopped teaching at Pitt Law School several years ago, when I anticipated feeling stale in the classroom. My big 2017 pre-presidential Obama biography, Rising Star, made The New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists and was a WaPo Top 10 Books of the Year. Notwithstanding a major brain hemorrhage and emergency surgery in early 2022, I’ve continued to write quite regularly, mainly for WSJ and The Spectator, and I vet book manuscripts for various publishers at least monthly, so I’m not truly retired. This northwestern quadrant of Squirrel Hill is a gorgeous place, Pittsburgh public transit is free for seniors and academics, and it’s a great city for craft beer. My three years in CSS were a formative experience, and I’m probably the only ’75er who owns neither a car nor a cell phone!”
Charlie Stolper lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Christy, and near their son, Chad, and his family, which includes the Stolpers’ first grandchild. Charlie has had some health setbacks recently but is still pursuing as much travel and golf as possible.
John Cavadini, director of McGrath Institute for Church Life at Notre Dame, couldn’t resist my invitation to write. He is still professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, and also the director of the McGrath Institute for Church Life there. “I still live in South Bend. With six of our seven kids and all 18 grandchildren.”
Andy Barnes has been teaching history for the past 27 years as a professor at Arizona State University in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies (SHPRS), where he will be taking over as head of the history faculty starting in June 2024. He has written three monographs and edited two anthologies, the latest of which, The Palgrave Handbook on Christianity in Africa from Apostolic Times to the Present, just came out in March 2024. Andy and his wife, Scarlett, have three sons. “I am still actively doing historical research and I hope to publish one last monograph before I retire.”
Karin Johnson has nice news: “My wonderful first grandchild was born in October and I’m having such a good time; looking forward to 50th!” Karen should snag the distance traveled award, as she’ll be coming from Tokyo!!
Nancy Luberoff is happy to say, “My partner and husband, Bruce Boehm, and I have been together nearly 50 years! We started as two and now we’re a family of 11, including four grandkids, all of whom are bilingual (German and English for the Berlin-based family; Spanish and English for the North Carolina family). We spend two months every year in Berlin and tackle two long-distance hikes in Europe every year. Much of our volunteer energy is focused on managing a small green Jewish cemetery.”
A note from Roger Weisberg brought news that he has significantly cut back his film production work during the past three years. “I didn’t want to be on the road during the COVID pandemic, and I needed to look after my frail elderly parents. Instead, I’ve been focusing on taking advantage of new distribution opportunities for the 33 documentaries I’ve made over the past four decades. Karen (Freedman) is still going strong. The law practice she founded, Lawyers for Children, celebrated its 40th anniversary in April. As the company’s president, she still manages much of the firm’s most important impact litigation involving children in foster care. Our three children—a lawyer, a doctor, and an art professor/administrator—all live within three blocks of one another in Brooklyn. And, between them, there are four grandchildren, and a fifth one is on the way. We are incredibly lucky to visit them all at least once a week.”

At Yale, where she did graduate work, Gina Novick teaches midwifery students, and her husband, Shelly Kagan ’76, teaches philosophy. Their three kids live in Boston and San Francisco. Gina and Shelly recently got to visit with Bobbie Spellman ’78 in Virginia and Michael Hardimon ’79 in San Diego. “I hope to see many of you soon!”
Clif Grandy retired in June 2023 after a career in the legal/judicial/court administration arena, and his wife, Nancy Lucas, retired in July 2023. Clif reports, “In May 2023, we hosted a brunch in D.C. for some 1975 classmates and college mates from ’74 and other classes. We reflected upon our Wesleyan experience and the need to support Wesleyan with financial contributions if able. Those who attended included: June Jefferies, Denise Fures, Karen (Seymore) Leftridge, Hampton Cross ’72, Robert “Bob” White ’72, Antonio “Tony” Michell ’74, Jerry Thomas ’74, Debbie Conner Mitchell ’74, and Hope Hill ’74. Another 2023 highlight was a December trip to see Purlie Victorious on Broadway. They also had a visit from Gail Robinson-Oturu, a classically trained vocalist who was with our class at Wes during freshman year and is now a music professor in Tennessee and Florida.
Jeff Morgan, founding winemaker of Covenant Winery, sent in an update: “With our 50th approaching, many of us have passed our 70th birthdays. I’m surprised at how young I (still) feel. My urban winery in Berkeley, California, produces about 8,000 cases of topflight wine per year. Alas, after nine years making Covenant wine in Israel as well as California, we stopped the Israeli program back in 2021. It had nothing to do with the current situation in Gaza and the Galilee, but rather, simple financials compounded by the COVID pandemic. However, the isolation brought on by COVID inspired me to pick up my saxophone again after a 25-year hiatus. I played a gig with old musician friends at City Winery in New York last year. More recently, I performed at a jazz club in Paris called Le Cercle Suedois with pianist Franck Amsallem’s quartet. Yes, I guess there is indeed life after 70. Both my daughters live nearby in Oakland, and each one recently made me and my wife, Jodie, grandparents for the first time! Feeling the love.”
Corinne Kratz submitted the final manuscript for her next book, Rhetorics of Value: Exhibition, Design, Communication, to Duke University Press, which should be out in early 2025. She’s just back from Cape Town for a workshop in the African Critical Inquiry Program that she helps to direct. She’ll be back there again for May and the next events in this year’s workshop series.
As for my own news, Deb Kosich and I are the youngest members of the class, as far as I know. We always bring up the rear in the birthdays department. I celebrated my 70th in late March on a family trip to the Bahamas with my husband and kids. In addition to my birthday, we were celebrating the wedding of my only niece. It was a beautiful week, and we took full advantage of the warm weather, irresistible ocean, and island vibe. Our kids came up with the best birthday gift ever—my first SCUBA dive, a challenging and wonderful experience. Bob supported and watched our bubbles from the boat. The trip was dramatically capped off with a tropical storm and power outage on the day after the wedding. The other news we are celebrating the engagement of our son, Ethan; he and his fiancée, Amanda, plan to marry later this year.

I hate to turn to sad news, but Karen Sims, a resident of Waterford, Connecticut, since 1978, sent word that her husband of 48 years, Charlie Sedell ’76, died of ALS in January 2024.
Jeff Cox learned last winter of Don Perman’s death in December 2022. Jeff and his wife, Amy, knew Don from childhood and last saw him in early 2022. “He was as always full of plans—writing, learning a language, working on his drumming—and as always full of jokes and caustic comments on the world. He was always eager to hear about and joke about any latest excesses in higher education. He still loved his time at Wesleyan—but maybe not as much as he loved living in New York.” Don worked as a brilliant copy editor for major publications including The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and The New York Times. He was a jazz lover and drummer, a creative writer, and even a comedian who performed on David Letterman. Infectious enthusiasm for life! There are some lovely tributes to him at Don Perman Obituary.
David Harrison passed away unexpectedly in March, just shy of his 71st birthday, while on vacation with his wife in Mexico. A friend wrote, “Smart, funny, athletic, generous, and a lifelong advocate for social justice, David ran his own criminal defense legal practice in San Francisco for over 35 years, focused primarily on representing indigent clients. He had just won a major case when he passed away. Before entering private practice, David worked for the San Francisco Neighborhood Legal Assistance Foundation, Marin Legal Aid, and the Legal Aid Foundation of Long Beach, where he was a distinguished Reginald Heber Smith Fellow. He also served two terms on the board of the New World Foundation.
As a Wesleyan undergraduate, David played on the club rugby team that competed against other small colleges and helped friends put on popular campus rock concerts featuring the likes of Jackson Browne, Lou Reed, and Orleans. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, a diverse fraternity where “David fit right in with his progressive thinking,” said longtime friend Mark Allard ’74. In addition to his wife, Colette Brooks, David is survived by daughters Simone Harrison ’18 and Marie Claire Harrison.” There was a memorial gathering for David in the Bay Area in May.
Where’s WES-O? This is our detective game to locate and reconnect with classmates who have dropped off Wesleyan’s radar. So far, we’ve had two successes, but that still leaves a lot of missing persons.
FOUND: Deborah Appel in Burien, Washington, thanks to Jill Rips. Paul Margolin sent me on a hunt for Harris Pitnof, who I found.
STILL MISSING: We have 80 more classmates with NO contact information. They won’t be invited to Reunion unless we can find them. If you know or can find out how to reach anyone on this list via email, phone, and/or snail mail, please let me know! Even better: have them reach out to the Alumni office so they may update their current contact information (
Debby Addis, Ramon Alonso, Steve Anderson, Mark Anderson, Robert Baratt, June Hatton Barr, Rita Bauersmith, Susan Baugh, Thomas Berry, Andre Bourque, Willie Brown, Terry Button, Jacob Calm, John Caro, Alice Clark, Elaine Bourret Coleman, Andrea Cramer, Arthur Curtis, John Daniel, Steve Dixon, Leroy Doar, Richard Eisenberg, Harriet Farah, Kevin Fickling, Leo Fuchs, Larry Goodwin, Arlene Harris, Juliette Haynes, Colette Marie Goedde Hernandez, John Hulsebos, Frank Isaacs, Chris James, Brenda Jimenez, Richard Johnson, William Johnson, Norah Jones, Michael Kannan, David Kellogg, Genevieve Kerr, Tracy Killam, Didi (Stephanie) Lamm, Victoria Lauren, Sojin Lee, Molly Leong, Leonard Linden, Laura Livingstone, Nikki Makris, Andrew Maxwell, June Melton, Niles Murphy, Carol Parker, Deborah Paul, Kirk Pawlowski, Robert Phelps, Roberto Powers, Maurice Reidy, Ramona Reyes, Steve Riegelhaupt, Susan Riley, Digna Riva, Frederika Robinson, Michael Robinson, Bob Rockefeller, Charles Rose, Alida Santiago, Charles Shippee, Bill Smith, Carl Stevens, Don Strachan, Doug Stuart, Margaret Sullivan, Andy Sussman, Deb Thomas, Mary Tibbets, Rachel Trubowitz, Erica Udoff, Joseph Vaccaro, Sue Wieser, Bonnie Williams, Randy Hunter.