CLASS OF 1992 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Hi all:

It’s class notes times again. I have just returned from a five-month sabbatical in New York City at the Russell Sage Foundation. I was jointed there by our classmate, Abby (Smith) Saguy, who was on leave from the UCLA sociology department. It was great spending time with her, and the (social) highlight was when Simon Fulford joined us for a fantastic dinner with Abby’s husband, Dotan. I also got to see a lot of old Wesleyan friends including Jill Slater, Doni Gewirtzman ’93, and Jane Thompson (including a fun weekend when Laura Hill joined us for NYC adventures). I also managed to catch up with a bunch of former Argus editors, including my co-editor in chief Mike Santoli, as well as Jason Rekate ’93, Andrew Siff ’90, and Alex Navarro-McKay ’90. My time in NYC ended with a big reunion with a large contingent of the 1988–1989 Clark Hall RA staff—David Patterson ’90, Linda Turnbull ’90, Nina Grekin ’90, and Claude Szyfer ’90. It was fantastic to be able to spend so much time with everyone!

In other news, Kate Edwards started a new job at Axalta in a research group working on matching paint colors after an auto body shop repair—and hopes no Wes alum needs this service! Her oldest kid starts at York University in Toronto in the fall.

Jody Sperling is still dancing and choreographing in NYC where she directs her company, Time Lapse Dance, and is eco artist in residence at New York Society for Ethical Culture. On the personal side, she’s currently planning her daughter’s Bat Mitzvah!

Kathryn Berla reports that her she and her son, Johnathan (14), had the pleasure of spending their annual San Diego vacation week with the Diana Strauss Casey ’91 and Hal Skinner families in July. Dan Grant ’91 and his sons joined for a few days from Marin County, as did Liz Martin ’91 from the D.C. area. They all had tremendous fun seeing the range of children (ages 13–22) body surfing and exploring the Ocean Beach community together.

In another huge reunion, Tim Proskauer and Mari Valerio Ferrari hosted a bunch of ’92ers in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Blues and Brews regulars in attendance included Chris Arndt, Chris and Sara Mulhauser, Ben Ratliff, Jay Hardwig, Nita Smith, Ben Harris, Eric Halperin, Susannah Fox, and Brian and Francesca Wolff (along with two Wolff cubs, Ellington and Rosie).

Chris “Chez” Chesak continues to live with his wife and daughters in Cincinnati where he runs the Outdoor Writers Association of America. He’s excited to also be president-elect of the Society of American Travel Writers and to take over as their president during their convention in Istanbul this fall.

Joan Matelli finished up her last law class at Northeastern and is now one more experiential co-op away from becoming a lawyer.

In the spirit of “take this job and shove it,” my former Clark hallmate Anne (Jennings) Paris quit her job, participated in the FathomPDX interactive art experience in Portland, and then went to Burning Man. Let us all know what comes next Anne!

Another former Clark hallmate, Sam Robinson, writes that his daughter is a rising junior at Vassar College. They are a star on the women’s rugby team, sing a cappella, and will likely go to med school. Sam is retired from architecture, being diagnosed with spino-cerebellar-ataxia in 2019. He stays busy with his awesome property in the Fairmount neighborhood of Philadelphia, political volunteering, and sailing (when he can!).

Finally, Asya Geisberg bears sad news about one of our classmates. She writes: “I’m saddened to write about the very quick illness and departure from this world of Deb Whitney. Deb lived an incredible life on both coasts, with a career in film, TV, assisting Barbra Streisand in LA, and finally two decades as a paramedic in New Hampshire, where she was pursuing an MA in public health. Deb was beloved and respected by many in the medical community and leaves behind her longtime fiancé, Art, as well as extended family. Heather Nash and I are grateful we were able to visit Deb in April.”

Heather Nash adds the following tribute: “Thirty-six years ago, I walked into my dorm room on my first day of Wesleyan University, carrying a life-size poster of Humphrey Bogart only to discover that my new roommate, Deb Whitney, had brought the exact same one. This was my intro to the amazing person who would become one of my dearest friends and such an important part of my life. Deb loved Wesleyan, classic films, documentary-making, music, learning Russian, dogs, and sitting down for a good cup of tea with a friend. She moved out to LA after college to break into the film industry, worked in production and for Barbra Streisand for a bit, but ultimately pursued a career as a paramedic back East, where she took such loving care of her patients and co-workers. Deb loved her family and friends deeply and was one of the most open-minded, supportive, and nurturing people I knew. I am so grateful Asya Geisberg and I had the chance to visit her near Boston a few weeks after her cancer diagnosis this past spring. I feel blessed to have had her in my life and still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that she is no longer here. My heart goes out to her partner, Art Patriquin, her mom, Susan, sister, Emily, her nephew and niece, Art’s daughters, and the rest of her family. Deb, you were so very loved. Chris and I have told Ella all about you and we are going to watch Casablanca this weekend in your memory. Here’s looking at you kid. . . .”