CLASS OF 1973 | 2017 | ISSUE 1

Donald Zilkha writes that he and Virginia have three sons and says, “With any luck, my youngest will apply to Wesleyan.” Don has spent much of his career as an investor in restructuring, venture, and private equity, including Colt’s Manufacturing in Hartford. He’s had “the good fortune to have traveled extensively, often for business.” He has also lived abroad for several years and is “quite involved in food and wine.”

Daoud Haroon spent summer 2015 engaged in “continued musical and spiritual research” in Thailand with an interesting stay in Istanbul. He spent portions of the month of Ramadan in both countries. Last May and June, he and his wife spent a “chilly South African winter” in Johannesburg in Soweto and the outlying townships. He made many new friends among the growing dance and arts communities that surround both: Moving Into Dance Mophatong [] and Artist Proof Studio [].

They also stayed for a month at a guest house located in Camps Bay, on the ocean side of Table Mountain, between Hout Bay and downtown Cape Town. He reports, “Contrary to popular belief in the States, apartheid is still alive and thriving in South Africa under ever new guises.” He had an opportunity to interview a broad scope of whites and blacks from many diverse racial, ethnic, and political backgrounds and, “they all agree that, like racism in America, apartheid will continue to flourish for a long time into the distant future.”

He continues to practice his instruments and is now trying to write a story a day. Anyone interested in his adventures can check him out on

After a long absence, Edward “Eddie” Nathan, one of my senior year roommates from East College, says he had little contact with Wesleyan, except to “chide it for having discontinued my alumni magazine. I used the conversation to inform the Wes rep of my singular contribution to Wesleyan history: the prefix “Wes,” which I had attached to our athletic teams as a reporter, and later sports editor, at The Argus, e.g., Wescrew, Weslax. Imagine my thrill, many years later, when the admission office invited me to mail in a ‘Wescheck’ in support of my older daughter’s application.” He concludes, “This is as close to immortality as I am likely to come.”

George “Bud” Brainard is a professor of neurology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Since the 1980s, he has taught medical school and done research on the biological and behavioral effects of light on humans. He says, “My laboratory has worked with NASA on various light-related projects. In 2008, we began collaborating with Kennedy Space Center, Johnson Space Center (JSC), and Harvard on developing and testing a solid-state lighting system to be used on the International Space Station (ISS).”

His lab was honored with the JSC Director’s Award for Innovation in 2015. As of early January, eight of the solid-state lights they helped develop were installed on ISS. “Ultimately, all of the lights in the U.S. portion of the space station will be replaced with the new solid-state lighting,” he says. They are doing a study on astronauts on the ISS to see if this new lighting system can improve sleep and daytime alertness.

Over the years, he sees classmate Fred Markham on a routine basis since he is also on the faculty at Jefferson. He periodically sees classmates Steve Kallaugher and enthusiastically supports Steve’s work on the Young Heroes Foundation. He periodically sees Mickey Rubinstein, and once in awhile Steve Grilli, Steve Berman ’72, Jim Shepherd ’72, and honorary classmate, Donny Shea.

Martin G. Bunin has joined Farrell Fritz’s Bankruptcy & Restructuring Practice Group as partner. The law firm says, “Marty’s experience includes the representation of committees in Chapter 11 cases, with an emphasis on unsecured creditors’ committees in cases filed by hospitals and other healthcare businesses, resort hotels, manufacturers, service businesses and owners of real estate. Additionally, Marty is a mediator in bankruptcy and bankruptcy-related disputes in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere.”

Sheryl Richter says that after her husband passed away more than four years ago, she met a “terrific guy” through online dating. His spouse had also passed away. She and Evan Feist, DVM, were married on Dec. 13. They share common interests, including golf and duplicate bridge, although, she adds, “I don’t think it’s fair to lump my golf into the same sentence as his (he’s a single-digit handicap golfer).”

Finally, there is sad news to report about Garrett J. Delehanty, known as an avid golfer, reader, and traveler, and for his sense of humor and the stories he would tell about his family. Garrett died last Nov. 13 at the age of 64 after being hospitalized for an illness. He had just celebrated 40 years of practicing commercial real estate law.

Until next time,

Peter D’Oench |

CLASS OF 1973 | 2016 | ISSUE 3

Our ever-faithful and prolific correspondent David Feldman, AKA David Harp, writes that he stays in touch with his Hewitt 9 next-door neighbor Paul Van Stavern, in Salvador, Brazil, and appreciates him more every year. He’s also in touch with Michael J. Robinson ’75, who lives in New Haven. He says he sees him whenever he drives down to the Kripalu Institute in Massachusetts or to the New York Open Center. Through Mike he stays in touch with Granny Hale and Rich Jasper, whom he calls “two great guys.” He adds, “As a few of my friends begin to shuffle off this mortal coil, as The Bard put it, I appreciate both those who remain and those who have shuffled all the more.”

David says he is still living in the Worcester range of the Green Mountains in Northern Vermont with Rita and has no more children at home. He says, “I have been working with a delightful carpenter to renovate an old cabin on my property (he reminds me, just a bit, of another carpenter from long, long, ago) and enjoying the physical experience of learning to do framing, trim, plumbing, etc.” And he is still writing. He finished two new books recently, one a book on mindfulness in nature with his beloved twin sister, Dr. Nina Smiley. He says some of you may remember her during our second semester of sophomore year. She was at Wesleyan from Vassar on the Twelve College Exchange, “back when women on campus were a rarity.” He is working on his most advanced harmonica book yet, a series of 220 graded exercises for the Hal Leonard Music Company. He is also doing some mindfulness mentoring over the phone and via Skype. He says he has a few interesting clients, including a venture capitalist and a high-end trial attorney. “Everyone needs mindfulness,” he says, “whether they know it or not.”

He also says he is working on his own mindfulness practice, and on helping others to use mindfulness (often via the harmonica, as a breath-focus tool) to deal with aging issues: COPD, dying and grieving, and loss of mental function. He says he would love to hear from classmates who are either in these fields, or working with these issues. He says after losing weight, and mostly maintaining that loss (down more than 50 pounds), he is playing around with marketing a diet method incorporating—you guessed it—mindfulness and harmonica: The Harmonica Diet™.

John Huttlinger writes that summer in the Adirondacks was beautiful, adding it was “a little too dry, but great for the tourism businesses.” He says his June production of the annual Lake Placid Film Forum featured a guest appearance by Jeremy Arnold ’91. Jeremy hosted a presentation of The Third Man and he participated in panel discussions and workshops. He signed many copies of his recent book, Turner Classic Movies: The Essentials: 52 Must-See Movies and Why They Matter. Jeremy’s family has had a camp on Lake Placid for several generations, but John just met him this year. “Small world!” he says.

Randall Brown '74 and Peter Gelblum '73 at the 4th of July parade in Boulder Creek, Calif.
Randall Brown ’74 and Peter Gelblum ’73 at the 4th of July parade in Boulder Creek, Calif.

For the first time in my memory, we are hearing from Michael Morales. He reports that he is an adjunct professor at Springfield College in creative writing. He is also an interviewer of Stanford University applicants. Michael was on Wesleyan’s Admission Committee in 1972 as a student advisor when he was a junior. He is also a scholarship judge for the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin. They have distributed more than $1 million as the top Hispanic chamber in the U.S. Michael is also the author of a forthcoming book: The 1-Minute Expert: How to Be Recognized as an Expert in 1 Minute or Less and past-president of a Hispanic veterans foundation.

We also received word about artist Todd Stone and his participation in the first art exhibit at the National September 11 Memorial Museum, Rendering the Unthinkable. Todd has been documenting the ever-changing skyline of Lower Manhattan over 20 years and is maintaining a studio on the 67th floor of 4 World Trade Center chronicling the site. The website for the exhibit is

Finally, I received a colorful photo and note from Peter Gelblum. The photo shows Peter and Randall Brown ’74 in their furry, raccoon hats carrying a banner for the San Lorenzo Valley Recycling Center and flashing their Wesleyan “W” signs at the end of this past year’s 4th of July parade in Boulder Creek, Calif. He says he and Randall did not know each other at Wesleyan, but they discovered each other both living in Boulder Creek.

That’s it for now. Look forward to hearing your stories.


CLASS OF 1973 | 2016 | ISSUE 2

We have news that more of you are becoming grandparents. Some are retiring. Others are looking into Medicare. And some are traveling extensively.

Phil Levien tells me that he and his wife, Darlene, became grandparents for the first time recently. Their son, Josh, and his wife, Simone, had a baby boy on April 8: Stokely Olivier Levien. “Like most grandparents, we’re pretty darn excited and make the drive to LA to see the three of them as often as we can.” says Phil. He says, “The kids also come up here to Santa Barbara to visit, so we’re very fortunate.”

Tom Tokarz says he was planning to retire July 1st after 31.5 years as a human resources director with the State of Connecticut. “It’s truly a bittersweet event, as it’s been rewarding but frustrating at the same time with the recent budget cuts and layoffs,” says Tom. He also says he and his wife, Kathy, have been caring for their son Dennis, “who is courageously battling ALS. It is a truly horrible disease.” He sends his best to all of you.

John Knapp says, “As I contemplate my upcoming eligibility for Medicare (a milestone I view with a mixture of surprise and horror), I realize that, nonetheless, the past few years have been particularly satisfying.” John says he still runs his legal/consulting firm, focusing on regulatory compliance for pharmaceutical, biotech, and other life science companies. His wife (Elisabeth Meyer Knapp ’76) continues to run her architecture firm, and has recently completed two four-year terms as an elected member of the Borough Council of Swarthmore, Pa., where they live. He says their daughter, Katherine, was married in October 2014, finished her pediatric residency at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) last year, and she and her husband are now expecting their first child—their first grandchild! John says their son-in-law just received his MD, as well as a PhD, in cell and molecular biology, from the University of Pennsylvania, and he will be starting his residency at CHOP in July. “To top it all off, our son, David Knapp ’09, just received his law degree from Rutgers University” he says, adding, “I am very grateful for these blessings and honestly believe that without Wesleyan, my life would have turned out very differently.”

Steve Kallaugher paints a truly vivid picture of what he has been up to. “As I write this,” he says, “I’m watching the sun set from the edge of the Lubombo Plateau on the border between Swaziland and Mozambique. Ten years ago, I started a little organization called Young Heroes to help AIDS orphans. Little by little, we grew to the point where we were (and are) supporting 1,000 kids with monthly stipends, healthcare and—when they get older—vocational and business training.”

Steve says that last fall, “Something unexpected happened: USAID finally noticed us and gave us a $2-million grant to expand our anti-AIDS programs, with a special focus on vulnerable girls and young women.” Since then, he says Young Heroes has developed individual care programs for more than 2,000 children; started 250 girls’s clubs in schools to teach life skills and sexual and reproductive health; and created 75 community-savings groups for women, where they teach financial literacy and help with micro-entrepreneurialism.

“When all the programs are up and running, we’ll be reaching just over 15,000 children and their female caretakers,” he says, adding, “Who knew?”

On May 14th, I had the pleasure of seeing my sister, Ellen Dodie Ruimerman, receive her bachelor of fine arts degree from Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, of the University of New Haven, in beautiful Old Lyme, Conn. After more than three decades in interior decorating, she went “back to school,” worked hard and got that degree. She exhibits some of her paintings at galleries around Connecticut. Our late mother, Ellen Puffin D’Oench ’73, would have been proud. And in other family news, my niece, Miye D’Oench, as she was graduating from Harvard University after a stellar career on the women’s hockey team, signed a contract to play for the New York (City) Riveters of the (professional) National Women’s Hockey League. Some of you may get to see her play. I know my late brother Russell Toby D’Oench III ’77, would have been proud as well.


CLASS OF 1973 | 2016 | ISSUE 1

John Huttlinger tells me he is doing well in Lake Placid, N.Y. He also says his CPA practice is doing well, adding that he purchased another firm a couple of years ago, which doubled the size of his practice. John says, “The only problem is that I’m working more than I would like to at this stage. I occasionally think about retirement now that my son John has graduated from Ithaca College and is gainfully employed as a computer programmer.” John says he still finds time to do some ski racing two or three days a week. He says the New England Masters ski races are a lot of fun and he occasionally goes over to Vermont for their events. John is also still actively involved with the Adirondack Film Society, which produces film events such as the Lake Placid Film Forum, which has been held annually for 15 years now. He notes that June 8–12, 2016 are the dates of this year’s event! John runs Accounting Associates of Lake Placid.

Dr. Michael Fossel tells me, “I’ve utterly failed to retire.” He says his latest book, The Telomerase Revolution, just came out to “glowing reviews. The Wall Street Journal called it one of the best science books of the year and the London Times had a full-page laudatory review.” He says the book is already scheduled to come out in six languages (not counting separate UK, NZ, and Australian editions) and more are in negotiation.

“More important,” Michael writes, “I founded Telocyte, a new biotech company, to cure (not merely slow or treat symptoms of) Alzheimer’s disease.” He says his company is currently in active discussion with more than two dozen venture capital groups, solely as a result of his presentation at a biotechnology conference in San Francisco last month. Michael says, “Both theoretical considerations and animal data make us reasonably confident that we can both prevent and largely reverse the cognitive decline seen in Alzheimer’s patients. We are currently planning FDA-sanctioned human trials. It’s exciting times for us.”

We have some sad news to report. David Swanson died Oct. 12th of last year. Alain Munkittrick writes that this sentence from his obituary resonated for him (as he was sure it would for friends from Wesleyan): “A calm and steady force, Dave was known for his humor and quiet wit, thoughtful insights, gifted writing and gentle and kind nature.”

Alain reports that after Wesleyan, Dave joined AmeriCorps VISTA, earned a master’s degree in regional and urban planning, and subsequently enjoyed an accomplished career with the City of Salinas, Calif., “where he effected progress on many fronts, but especially housing and infrastructure improvements.” Alain says, “His obituary noted that ‘he dedicated his professional career to improving living conditions for those less fortunate.’ I am thankful that over the past few years I was able to reconnect with Dave, his wife Mary Orrison, and learn about his many post-retirement pleasures (including becoming a grandfather) and the progress of his two sons, Tyler and Will. He will be missed.” I can tell you that Dave was a kind and reliable soul, hardly ever missing a practice and a rugby game while playing faithfully in the second row of many a scrum during games at and away from Wesleyan.

Updating my note about my good friends Sharon and Gary Jacobson. They have moved from New Jersey to Reno and Gary says they would be happy to hear from any classmates who are visiting the Lake Tahoe area.

Finally, Bill Vernon tells me he was watching TV in Jaco, Costa Rica and ended up seeing me on the news through WFOR-TV CBS, my station. Bill says, “Cannot escape the alma mater.”

I look forward to hearing more of your stories.


CLASS OF 1973 | 2015 | ISSUE 3

Newsmaker: Daoud Haroon ’73

Daoud Haroon ’73 was named a 2014 United States Artists (USA) Fellows in music. United States Artists is one of the largest grantmaking organizations in the country providing direct support to artists, celebrating originality and diversity in American artistic practices. A trombonist and percussionist in the 1940s and 1950s with many Boston-based musicians, he moved to New York City in 1960 and was a member of the Makanda Ken McIntyre band. He recorded and performed with them during the “NYC Loft Period” of the 1960s and ’70s. Enrolling at Wesleyan, he studied ethnomusicology, particularly the music of Africa, the Middle East and Asia, as well as the development of music in the African Diaspora. Now retired from teaching, he remains interested in the intersections of music, social justice and religion. Also a writer, he has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East, and Africa, and he continues to perform and participate in various ensembles. He has a BA in Music from Wesleyan and an MA in History from Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas. 

We have news of retirements and special journeys and ongoing work as we move on in our lives.

Gary Jacobson writes that he and Sharon have left New Jersey and have relocated to retire and are very much enjoying the lifestyle. He says his most recent news is the birth to son Lee ’05 and wife Michelle of their grandson, Wesley Martin. “Mike McKenna is already recruiting him for rugby duty!” says Gary. He says he keeps track of what my family and I are doing through Facebook.

Dr. Jim Powers writes from Nashville that he participated as a delegate with the Gerontological Society of America in a transculturual presentation on geriatric care at Shanghai University in June.

From Middletown, Bill Corvo, of William Corvo Consultants, says he is currently working on developing the world’s largest fuel cell project here in Connecticut. He says O&G Industries, Inc. is the senior partner and they will be using Fuel Cell energy technology from fuel cells in Danbury, Conn., manufactured in Torrington.

Steve Young sends his regards from New Hampshire, where he is enjoying quasi-retirement. He says he is teaching a seminar this fall at Wesleyan, jointly listed in history and government, on “Modern China and the World since 1945.” He says, “It is fun to engage with current Wes students in an area where I spent considerable time during my foreign service career.”

Daoud Haroon has recently returned from a three-month visit to Thailand, during which time he said he had some special dentistry to ensure his trombone embouchure will provide plenty of support in the coming months, which will include further research and travel in the area of ethnomusicology. He says he kept an ongoing photo-journal of his three months in Thailand on Facebook, which can be accessed via And he says there is an ongoing compilation of his activities on:

He recently celebrated his 81st birthday, and as a recipient of the, award, he says “It has enabled me to undergo a continued spiritual and cultural rebirth. I do hope that my current activities will act as an inspiration to all of my friends, family and classmates.”

From Wisconsin, Tom Pfeiffer writes, “Life is fairly good with me. My youngest is a senior in college and the two older kids are out in the real world. I am trying to take more time to enjoy life while still working at a bit slower pace.” He says he visited Argentina early this past summer to spend some time with his daughter, who was on a junior year abroad program in Buenos Aires. He said this adventure included a several day side trip to Iguazu Falls on the Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay border. “That was a bucket list type of experience!” he says. Tom says he has been to his family home at the Jersey shore three times this year to perform needed maintenance and to “enjoy life along the Atlantic.” On the last trip there in September, he took friends on a whale watching tour and got to see up close a pair of humpback whales feeding and then breaching 10 miles off of Cape May. He called that “another bucket list item.” He also experienced South Carolina during a trip in the spring, especially enjoying Charleston. He said he hoped that charming city would be able to recover from this past fall’s devastating floods.

My thanks for your response to our e-mail outreach. As always, I look forward to hearing your news.


CLASS OF 1973 | 2015 | ISSUE 2

Stephen Sullivan tells me he has been living in Seattle since graduating from architecture school in 1980. He writes that “Washington State is an amazingly beautiful place to live. I’m still practicing architecture actively with a small studio and a few well-chosen staff here. I love the creative aspects of my work, most especially the creative engagement with my clients as we forge from their dreams the form of ‘home.’” He does not imagine retiring, due to his passion for his work, and says, “I am trying to slow down the work dimension of my life so that I have more time for my art work (pottery) and my get-away farm on Lopez Island near the Canadian border. On the farm I grow hay, I make pots, and I sit and stare at the quiet beauty of the place.”

He says his children are grown and he has two talented daughters, one of whom just finished grad school in Alaska, and the other of whom lives in New Jersey. He says, “Life in the 60s has a decidedly different texture, with thoughts of how to make this final stage meaningful. Last chance to contribute to a better world!” He says Wesleyan gave him a great education in the arts. With his Watson fellowship in Japan in the early ’70s, his world expanded in a way he will never forget. “I still see my ‘Japanese family’ regularly, even four decades later. I’m ready for another wander-year, to see the world as it is today, and to understand better my part in it.”

Donald Zilkha says “much is happening.” His oldest child is about to turn 21 and his other two sons are making their way through Loomis and Andover. He has moved out of private equity and has been investing in listed securities for the past seven years. “Liquid investments are much less stressful as one gets older,” he says. He is also helping several young investors start businesses, and running the Bordeaux wine society—the Commanderie de Bordeaux—in N.Y., and traveling with his wife and children quite extensively. “To my mind, the best form of education,” Donald notes.

Bruce Ferguson says, “By the time this hits the newsstands, I’ll have a new suspense novel out, Two Graves for Michael Furey—my eighth book (not counting two apprentice novels permanently exiled to the bottom drawer of my desk).” He adds, “Also, I’ll be a grandfather, though it may be a while before my wife, Angelica, and I see the wee bairn, as the parents-to-be are living and working in Tokyo. Another son also remains too far away in the other direction—Washington, D.C.,—working as an attorney and occasional good-guy lobbyist on the Hill for a nonprofit.”

Tom Kelly says he and Michael McKenna are headed to the World Cup in October and he should have some “good material after that.”

Charley Wayne reports his middle son, Joey Wayne ’08, married Hannah Klausner in May 2014, and that eldest son Michael Wayne ’05 married Lucy Edwards in May 2015. The mother of the grooms, Ellen Kabcenell Wayne ’75, is thankful to have daughters in the family.

Jim Powers recently traveled to China with a delegation from the Gerontologic Society of America and lectured on Models of Geriatric Healthcare at the Shanghai University International Symposium on Public Policy Challenges and Governance—Innovation In an Aging Society. China has a rapidly rising aging population with a low ratio of workers to retirees, stimulating cross-cultural collaboration and sharing of innovative ideas related to retirement and elder healthcare.

John Spike tells me that his wife, Michele (Conn College ’73), and he lived in Florence from 1989 until three years ago, when he accepted a position at the Museum of the College of William & Mary as assistant director and chief curator. He says Michele is teaching at the School of Law, which is famous for being founded by Thomas Jefferson. John says what he has done in Virginia has been written up in the Virginia newspapers, but most completely in the April edition of The Art Newspaper, which is published in London and the publication closest to a newspaper for museum professionals.
His appointment at William & Mary allows them to return to Italy during the summer months, where he was when he wrote that he is “planning another epochal exhibition for the Museum.” He says all of his shows have been partnered with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. His son, Nicholas Spike, who was born in 1983, “works enjoyably and successfully” as a sports agent in New York City and was married last October to Marcela.

Bill Quigley writes that he and Dee sold their house in Massachusetts and moved to Bradenton, Fla., last November. He says he is in the final stages of preserving all the 100 years of content of his family motion picture (primarily) trade publishing company—Quigley Publishing Company, founded by his grandfather in 1915—which published the Motion Picture DailyMotion Picture HeraldFAMEMotion Picture AlmanacTelevision & Video Almanac and many other entertainment related books and journals over the years. Bill says they stopped publishing in 2014 and are digitizing and preserving hundreds of thousands of pages and photographs from the very beginning. “After that is done, I will try to figure out what I will do when I grow up. I have been developing a screenplay—based on a true story—about a boat owned by a friend of mine in Puerto Rico that ends up in the hands of the Yakuza in Japan and how he got it back. It will be interesting to see if I can get it made.” Bill says he stays in touch regularly with Peter Cross, who moved from Connecticut to Texas this year and Scott Schlieman—who lives in Costa Rica—and has been in contact with many DKEs about Wesleyan’s actions towards his fraternity.

My oldest daughter, Jennifer, 38, is a top-flight nurse not far away from John Spike, living in Gloucester, Va., along with her husband, Tracy, and stepdaughters Lindsay and Stephanie, and my granddaughters, Zoey, 1, and Taylor, 15. My middle daughter, Dana, 36, is pursuing a variety of endeavors here in South Florida, while my youngest daughter, Holly, 31, is now a wildlife biologist in Boulder, Colo., after getting her degree at the University of Colorado, and lives in Arvada with her husband, Neil. My wife, Connie, also is pursuing a variety of endeavors here and, like Stephen Sullivan, I see no retirement in the near future due to my passion for my work at WFOR-TV (CBS in Doral near Miami) as a reporter, as long as I can continue to keep up with the younger reporters and enterprise stories.

Feel free to let me know any stories you’d like to share.

CLASS OF 1973 | 2015 | ISSUE 1

Jay Rose tells me his son, Adam Rose ’06, was married last October in Seattle. Among the guests were Peter Bernstein, Bill Gillespie, Tim Hinkle ’06, Kingsley Choi ’05, and Rebecca Rabison ’08.

John Spike says after living in Florence, Italy, since 1989, he accepted a post for three years at the College of William and Mary in Willamsburg, Va., where he is assistant director and chief curator at the Muscarelle Museum of Art. His wife Michele is adjunct professor at the Wythe School of Law, also at William and Mary. He says that every summer he returns to Florence, where his son Nicholas married Marcela last October.

David Feldman, aka David Harp, is extremely busy with his harmonica workshops. He just held a Harmonica-Based Mindfulness workshop in Lenox, Mass., in March. It was called “How to Reduce Stress, Increase Mindfulness and Blow Your Blues Away Instantly.” He is offering a one-day “Mindfulness and the Art of the Harmonica: Play Blues, Rock, Folk and Classical Music Today” at Manhattan’s New York Open Center on May 16th and a Harmonica Kirtan the night before. You can reach him at

The intrepid Tom Kelly writes that he is splitting his time between Dallas and San Diego and became CEO of HealthSmart, a health benefits administrator last August. His first grandchild, Aurelia, was born last October. He also said that he and Michael McKenna are headed to the Rugby World Cup in Wales in October. I call Tom intrepid but he was and still is indefatigable. He would sometimes play two rugby games in a row during his time at Wesleyan.

And speaking of Mike McKenna, he writes, “I thought of Wesleyan this morning when I awoke to minus-11 degrees here in Vermont. Bracing but sunny, but made me remember there is no such thing as cold weather, only inappropriate clothes! Also had no less than eight male cardinals at the bird feeders. A veritable conclave! Really pretty against the snow and pine trees.”

Mike says he is sorry he missed our last Reunion but he has a newsy note.

“Writing from my office in our barn, the global HQ of James Farm Creative, a strategic communications consulting firm I started a few years ago, I am happy to report business has grown and we also opened an office in Boston under the name McKenna & Partners,” he says. “Doing some interesting work for a range of great clients and really enjoying it.”

He says 2014 was a good year. He and Lynn spent time in London and had some terrific visits with Peter Smith ’81 and Pete Eisenhardt ’80 and attended some Chelsea games at Stamford Bridge. The Smiths’ daughter is at Wesleyan and is playing varsity squash.

Mike’s “work travels” also brought him in touch with Claire Reade in D.C. and Tom Kelly in New York: “Both are thriving, no surprise there.”

He was also back on campus for the Amherst weekend and saw former soccer teammate Dr. Marion Stoj ’74 inducted into the Wesleyan Athletics Hall of Fame. Soccer captain Kirk Adams was there, as well as Coach Terry Jackson. He said there was a “nice win over the Lord Jeffs.”

In Middletown, Mike also ran into Joshua Boger, who, he said, just did some “amazing photography during a dive off Fiji.” He thinks the photos will be on display in the science building. He also saw Joshua’s new Vertex offices in Boston. “Beautiful and, I’m told, has more square feet than the Prudential Tower,” says Mike.

“In my continuing efforts to become the worst golfer in history, I enjoyed some rounds with Tom Halsey ’72 and Rob Calhoun ’72, as well as Wendy Kravitz,” says Mike. He says his children are well and working in San Francisco. His son, Jake, got married last fall in Sonoma. Jake and his wife, Annie, asked him to officiate, so he got his Universal Life Minister certificate. “I’m finally ordained!” says Mike. “It was really meaningful—outdoors, perfect weather. After leaving Google, Jake joined a start-up digital communications firm and loves it.” After graduating from Middlebury, Mike’s daughter, Lee, became a ski instructor at Jackson Hole for a year and then followed her brother west, where she also is in digital advertising.

While Mike was in San Francisco, he had lunch and caught up with Harold Sogard ’74, who is CEO of an ad agency there. He had just returned from his Wesleyan Reunion and is yet another alumnus with a Cardinal daughter. Mike says he talks regularly with John Hoder, George Doran, and others in the class. “I continue to be amazed by what everyone is doing and realize how lucky I am to know them,” he says.

And what a positive way to wrap up these notes. Until next time,


CLASS OF 1973 | 2014 | ISSUE 3

Steve Kallaugher writes that he’ll be returning to Wesleyan “for the first time in years” this November, as he’s been invited to speak at the African Innovation Summit, which is being put on by the African Students Association. He is still running Young Heroes, the organization he founded in Swaziland. “We’re now supporting just over 1,000 orphans with monthly social transfer grants, medical care, and vocational/business training. I run a great trip there every year. People should check it out at and join us next year.”

Steve says he has also “done gigs” in Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan since he last wrote, working for a large agricultural organization. Otherwise, he says he is living “a quiet life” in rural New England, where he hikes the woods with his dogs and tends his new wildflower meadow and occasionally gets back on stage. “I just closed in Julius Caesar, in which I played the man himself,” says Steve.

Donald Zilkha tells me he has spent most of his career as an entrepreneur shifting focus and investment styles to “suit what seemed to work to build a comfortable lifestyle for my family while safeguarding my reputation.” He says, “I have weathered various financial storms and seem to have done reasonably well.” He says he has three sons and a wife “whom I truly enjoy.” And our heartfelt thanks to Donald for all he’s done for Wesleyan over the years.

Remember our 25th Class Reunion in 1998 when David Feldman led us through some innovative exercises with his harmonica and how he encouraged us to join him during his demonstration? Sixteen years later, David, who also calls himself “David Harp,” is still very busy with motivational techniques. He teaches students in New York about harmonica-based mindfulness. He also tells them about mindful breathing exercises and says he offers a few new HarMantras and “Kirtans” (spiritual songs for harmonica, in the Christian, Jewish, and Buddhist traditions). He says you can find out more information by going to

David also writes: “New-work-wise, I’m finishing an advanced beginner to advanced level harmonica book and two-CD set for Hal Leonard Music. And (after testing it out on myself, then on my private phone and Skype clients this past year), I’ve just started unveiling—at Kripalu Yoga Center, and soon at the New York Open Center—my new work on applying mindfulness techniques to issues around what I call ‘the preference, desire, habit, and addiction continuum.’” He says the new work is “applicable to issues around unuseful needs or cravings of any sort: diet, attention, money, sex, love, risk, etc.” David also planned to conduct a one-day public workshop Sept. 6th at the Open Center. It was going to include blues, rock, folk, and classical harmonica (with emphasis on the first two styles).

I’ve now been at WFOR-TV, a CBS-owned station here in Doral since September 2007 and everything continues to go well. As an “older” reporter I focus as much as I can on enterprise stories and have found there is some advantage to being older. I tend to receive more news tips because I’ve been around longer and fortunately, more people trust me. So, no retirement in sight yet.

Look forward to hearing more of your news.


CLASS OF 1973 | 2014 | ISSUE 2

Phil Levien writes that “It was quite a year for my wife, Darlene, and me! Both of our children got married. Our daughter, Katie, married her longtime beau, Jason Babineau. They are settled in San Diego, where she works in social media for SONY, and where she and Jason met seven years ago. Our son, Josh, married his sweetheart, Simone Wyrick, and they are in New York, where he is working in digital marketing for Universal Music.” Phil says he also performed a 10-minute monologue written by his wife for a local charity event. It was a site-specific show based on a local historical figure. “It was the fourth time I’ve played a role she created and the first time I have acted for anyone but my students in almost 20 years,” he says. “I had a great time! Perhaps, I’ll do some more acting when I retire from my wonderful day job: teaching.”

Dana Barrows tells me “all is well” and he is still living in West Springfield, Mass., where he has been since starting law school in 1974. He has been with Northwestern Mutual more than 38 years as estate and business planning specialist. He says he is focusing on working with “high net worth entrepreneurs on all aspects of their personal business and estate planning.” He had navigated rotator surgery on both shoulders the past year-and-a-half and is pleased to say he is playing “quality golf again and will ski all winter.” Dana says his four daughters are “thriving, as are my two granddaughters living in West Hartford. I see them often. They are a joy and most precious gift.” Dana says he was “present for the thrilling victory over Williams for the Little Three championship, an elegant day on our beautiful campus.”

Rich Jasper enjoyed seeing folks at the 40th Reunion. “As the years pass,” he writes, “I am ever more thankful to have attended Wesleyan. I am particularly proud of the Wesleyan commitment to minorities during the turbulent 1960s. It was fascinating to view segments of the Grateful Dead in concert May, 1970. What a freshman year.” Rich says he was a panelist at Harvard Law School, Oct. 9th, 2013. The topic was capital punishment in America. Rich has been involved in federal capital defense for the last 20 years. He called it a “productive discussion of the issues.” He represented the defense perspective. He said a former federal prosecutor who tried Oklahoma City bombers represented the government perspective.

David Feldman has been doing a lot of work helping Mike Robinson, who is coping with Parkinson’s Disease. He writes, “From bringing him to our 40th class Reunion (and getting my car towed from in front of Granny Hale and Rich Jasper’s hotel in Hartford, and having to spend the night with Mike on Granny’s couch (Note to Self: Bring earplugs next time you sleep on Granny’s couch; he snores) to Mike’s surprise birthday party on July 22 in New Haven (with a lot of WesU brothers in attendance, along with Mike’s extended family), he’s the one I stay in most touch with.” David has seen Mike at least four times since our Reunion. “Since I was able to help get him physical therapy, his speech, eating, and ability to move have improved markedly—I’m very happy about that,” David says.

He also says his newest program, which he is teaching at the New York Open Center, is called Harmonica-Based Mindfulness. Its central thesis: “Breathing focus is the core practice of mindfulness, since it is the most reliable way to short-circuit unuseful fight or flight responses which cause anger and fear. When one cannot control anger or fear, mindfulness is impossible. The harmonica is the easiest way to teach groups or individuals breathing focus. Once breathing focus skills are achieved (called pranayama in yoga or Buddhist teaching), and anger and fear controlled, the more advanced steps of mindfulness become relatively easy. To find out more, go to:” David is also doing a lot of work with thanatology (death and grieving issues), attending many funerals. His final deep thoughts: “Let old arguments and distancing go by, contact your friends and loved ones, apologize or explain as need be, and stay current with those you care about.”

Tom Pfeiffer also enjoyed seeing many of you at the 40th Reunion, adding “I’m alive and kickin’ up here in Wisconsin after an unusually long winter that is loath to give way to spring.”

David Swanson is a grandfather: “Our first grandchild came into the light at Beth Israel Hospital in Manhattan July 2013. How wonderful!”

On that note, my oldest daughter, Jennifer, is expecting a second child named Zoey at this writing in April, so Connie and I will soon be grandparents for a second time. Our first granddaughter, Taylor, is 14.

John Bocachica tells me he is in “semi-retirement” and notes he is “only working a few days per month by choice and looking forward to my 40th anniversary with my dear bride.”


Class of 1973 | 2014 | Issue 1

Interventional Cardiologist Dr. John Robb, who directs the Interventional Cardiology Program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, is making national news. According to the D-H publication Skylight, John is heading up a clinical trial  that “will further test the safety and efficacy of a procedure called Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR).” It’s part of “a national research effort to find more effective treatment options for people with aortic stenosis…a narrowing in the heart valve that occurs over time due to calcification and the process of aging.” John is shown with a huge smile on his face, flanked by a cardiothoracic surgeon and a 92-year-old patient. The caption notes, “The promising new minimally-invasive procedure gives hope to patients” like the man mentioned “who are too frail to undergo surgery to replace their valve.” John’s excellent work may one day benefit a number of us and other Wesleyan alumni.

The Virginia Gazette notes that John Spike, an expert on the artists Caravaggio and Mattia Preti and the chief coordinator at Muscarelle Museum of Art, has begun “to study the history of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John and those who had been appointed to it.” The Order has its roots in the 11th century, and its members provide hospital and ambulance service in many countries. Sovereign leader or the order is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who founded and still maintains the Eye Hospital of St. John in Jerusalem, which cares for patients regardless of their ability to pay for treatment.”

Now as a result of his work, John has been appointed as a member. He calls this a “delightful surprise,” adding, “It is certainly encouraging that academic studies of history can be viewed as having broader social consequence and value.” John is also an honorary member of the City of Taverna, the birthplace of Preti.

Bruce Fergusson writes “I’m still pursuing the Muse—or is it the other way around? My latest novel, Pass on the Cup of Dreams, is now available as an e-book and in paper, for those who haven’t been Kindled yet. Last year, Morgan’s Mill—which weaves history of the Civil War and Underground Railroad into a contemporary narrative of suspense—was published.” He says “I’d be curious to get a grade on that one from Professor Emeritus Richard Slotkin, whose American Studies course I took junior year, to see if I got the history right. More at” Bruce says he and his wife Angelica “have (mostly) filled our empty nest with a rescue dog who is as sweet as she is smart. Who rescued whom?, indeed.” He says his son, Jonathon, is working in Tokyo and his son, Patrick (who played rugby at Union), passed the New York bar and is now working in D.C. as an attorney and “good-guy lobbyist for a nonprofit.” Bruce says his son, Brian will be graduating from the University of Puget Sound next year, and wants to go into law enforcement.” He was glad that the 2013 football team won the Little Three Championship, calling it “an event that happens with less frequency than earthquakes in Seattle.”

Steve Young tells me that he retired last September from the Foreign Service after 33 years. He spent this past fall in the family home in New Hampshire and was planning to move with his wife to San Francisco in early 2014.” Steve says “I plan to look for something to do out there” as his wife will continue running NRDC’s Asia Program.” Steve was named a Distinguished Alumnus at our 40th Reunion in May.

And speaking of our 40th Reunion, I’m told that I did not mention everyone who made the journey to Middletown.

Dr. Wayne Barber travelled a long distance to join us. He flew in from Honolulu where he works in Otology at Queens Hospital. “Call me if you have an ear ache on your vacation,” he says, adding he recently hosted the Dean of Admissions “as she extolled the virtues of Wesleyan to a large group of Oahu high school counselors.” Wayne has been in touch with many of you and has a lot of news. He writes that “Larry Gaston, MD, practices dermatology in Baltimore, still looks young, fit, and trim. Dr. James Howard practices clinical psychology in Oakland, caring for deserving vets. Al Smith and his lovely wife drove up from Harlem where he is helping create a new renaissance in his community.” He says Al is “widely regarding as an influential architect in his community” and “praised the rigorous curriculum at Wes for his success at Columbia School of Architecture.” Wayne also says, “The richness of Harlem’s culture has no better champion than Peter Harper.” He says Peter is a writer formerly with the Wall Street Journal and is now in New York City and a “newly confirmed vegetarian.” He also said it was good to see Steve Sadowy ’74 at the Reunion dinner and reports that Lance Simmons is an attorney in Philadelphia.

Wayne also says Brad Wilkinson, MD, retired from his family practice in Durham, Conn. “I suppose he is sailing in Maine and visiting his grandchildren in Vietnam,” he writes. “He told me that Bill Gillespie, MD, is VP of a major health insurance company in Hartford. Out west, Ron Johnson, MD, retired from a busy retina practice, lives in Orinda, an avid golfer and traveler. Our great miler, Tim Warner, is a VP at Stanford University. He still runs passionately, looks great and very fit.” He also reports that Jeff Schneider is an MD in dermatology near San Francisco and Steve Lum, M.D., “is an endocrinologist in the beautiful pristine town of Kailua in Oahu…favorite vacation site for our President.”

My thanks to Wayne Barber and Wesleyan’s Cynthia Rockwell for reaching out to you.