CLASS OF 1955 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Big smile! Once again, thanks to Tom Nall, the streak of reporting class notes continues, and it does so with my sincere appreciation. Tom reports that he is still able to drive even if most of the driving is to visit his doctors! And while maintaining self-care, he does admit it’s getting harder. Sound familiar? His doctor has commented that he’s doing well, as at this point, he’s outlived 90% of those born in 1933! Tom is planning to move into a senior living facility and asks, “may we all enjoy what is left of our lives.”

While leaving Florida and the many wonderful cycling memories, being only a 15- minute drive from my son and my daughter-in-law has certainly contributed to my sense of well-being. Living alone makes the need for more socializing very important, and the effort is worthwhile. New friendships are always a treat.

Bob Keeler passed away on May 31, 2024. Bob was a member of Beta Theta Pi at Wesleyan and was active in the fraternity throughout his life. He is survived by his wife of almost 61 years, Mary Jean, three children, four grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. My sincere condolences to his family.

Let me close by urging more of you to keep in touch with all of us. And as always, my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the days ahead.


Many thanks to Rick Congleton and Drew Clemens for making sure a “shutout” was avoided, and my 60-plus years of submitting to Class Notes is still ongoing!

Rick notes that “our class seems to be pretty depleted” but he is “hanging on and recently enjoyed a 90th party in July.” I did appreciate his “good luck with Class Notes” comment.

A last-minute email from Drew and Julie Clemens (sister of Tem Taylor) related Drew’s recovery from a small stroke three years ago, and they are still enjoying the move to a retirement community eight years ago, especially the friendships, bridge, and in the Wesleyan tradition, singing in a chorus! So good to hear from my freshman-year roommate once again!

On a much less happy note, I am saddened to report the passage of Andrew Holmes. I know I speak for all of us in offering sincere condolences to his family.  

Still acclimating to my Silver Spring surroundings and greatly enjoying new friendships with fellow members of our local senior center. Having a facility that provides lunches and athletic workout equipment is super. I do miss bicycling but am thankful for continued contact with members of my Florida riding group. Memories and friendships are really so important.  

As always, my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the days ahead. 


During my 60-plus years serving as class secretary, my greatest concern was that of not hearing from classmates and thus not having anything to report. So happy to say that thanks to receipt of Jim Shepard’s message, I’m still serving my function. And Jim’s message at this time of the year was perfect, for he wished us all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I continue to settle in here in Silver Spring, Maryland. Still driving and have even learned to use GPS! Awaiting the opening of a recreational center (attached to our building) within the next two months, and looking forward to mastering a stationary bike!

As always, my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the days ahead. 


CLASS OF 1955 | 2023 | FALL ISSUE

Delighted to receive Tom Nall’s note recalling our graduation trip throughout the country, visiting the national parks, camping on Mount Hood with the bears, bathing in icy creeks, and even dishwashing on the edge of the Grand Canyon. And yes, I do remember our class moniker, the “Crucial Class”! What wonderful memories we share. Glad to hear from you once again, Tom, and stay well!

Stuart Rapp sent “thanks for enabling me to keep in touch, even as I recede ever farther into old age! I have been truly gratified throughout my post-Wes career to enjoy the steady (and steadily advancing) march into the always obscure future, [remembering] the ‘college on the hill’ of my grateful memories.”

I received news that David Rich passed away on July 20, 23. He studied English at Wes and some may remember that he performed as a jazz clarinetist with the High Street Five band. His obituary can be read here. My condolences to his wife, Ellen, and their family.

It would be super if more of our classmates could find the time to send a note my way, helping us relive these wonderful times and experiences.

As for me, I relocated to a brand-new apartment building in Silver Spring, Maryland, and am now about 4 miles from my eldest Peter ’86 and his wife, Annice. So grateful for their love and support, especially at this stage of my life. All will be perfect in another few months, when the pool and recreation center at our building are completed. Can’t wait to get back on a stationary bike, assuming my knees agree!

As always, wishing you and your loved ones good health and much happiness in the days to come.


Thankfully, I don’t have to report two consecutive months of no word from classmates.

Thanks to Jim Shepard for letting us know he survived the earliest flooding disasters that struck California. Obviously, I’m sure we all hope his good fortune carried through the remainder of the extraordinary downpours to date.

I continue to acclimate to the Maryland weather and almost found it a pleasant experience to witness snow for the first time in more than 20 years, even if it were only a dusting. I’m still waiting for the warmer weather to test my knees and bike the local area. I appreciate there are two friends in this area with whom I biked when they were in Florida. It will be interesting.

As always, my very best wishes for good health and happiness to you and your loved ones.


Just after I submitted the following note, I received news that John Mosher passed away earlier this year, on March 28, 2022. He is survived by his wife Liz of 63 years, children, grandchildren, and his brother Tom ’58. Our sincere condolences to his family, friends, and classmates.

While class secretaries know the day might come when they have no news from fellow classmates to share, the occurrence of such a happening is thankfully rare. But for this guy who has held the position for more than 60 years, it’s hard for me to accept the fact there’s nothing to share other than letting you know the transition from Florida to Bethesda, Maryland, has been accepted, and once the adjustment to weather differences, all will be well and I will continue to act as your secretary with the hope of hearing from classmates in the future!

As always,  my very best wishes for good health and happiness to you and your loved ones in the New Year.