CLASS OF 1955 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE
Big smile! Once again, thanks to Tom Nall, the streak of reporting class notes continues, and it does so with my sincere appreciation. Tom reports that he is still able to drive even if most of the driving is to visit his doctors! And while maintaining self-care, he does admit it’s getting harder. Sound familiar? His doctor has commented that he’s doing well, as at this point, he’s outlived 90% of those born in 1933! Tom is planning to move into a senior living facility and asks, “may we all enjoy what is left of our lives.”
While leaving Florida and the many wonderful cycling memories, being only a 15- minute drive from my son and my daughter-in-law has certainly contributed to my sense of well-being. Living alone makes the need for more socializing very important, and the effort is worthwhile. New friendships are always a treat.
Bob Keeler passed away on May 31, 2024. Bob was a member of Beta Theta Pi at Wesleyan and was active in the fraternity throughout his life. He is survived by his wife of almost 61 years, Mary Jean, three children, four grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. My sincere condolences to his family.
Let me close by urging more of you to keep in touch with all of us. And as always, my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the days ahead.