CLASS OF 1954 | 2014 | ISSUE 2

Greetings, Classmates! A record number of you responded to my e-mail, and I’m most appreciative. For the record, these Notes were assembled just prior to our 60th Reunion in May 2014, so most of you responded primarily with news of your intent to attend, or not attend. However, by the time you read this, the Reunion will have occurred, with, hopefully, a record turnout. Anyway, here’s what you told me in April of 2014:

John Binswanger will be with us at our 60th…Bill Christopher had to cancel making arrangements for the journey to Middletown. Bill had spoken recently to Terry Hatter, who said he’s coming to the 60th…Art Dexter celebrated his 82nd birthday on Anna Maria Island, Fla., with children and grandchildren. But tough news: Art is unable to be at our 60th because he’s been diagnosed with kidney cancer and starts treatments the week of April 14th…Bud Johnson sent a “cryptic” message, which I hope means we’ll see him at the Reunion…George Devries Klein turned 81 in January, and decided, after a 54-year post-doctorate career as a geologist, to retire. George and Suyon are relocating to Guam! Suyon is Korean, and her family and friends will be only three hours, by air, from Guam…Bill Drury reports he won’t be able to come for our Reunion weekend, but “I’ll really miss all you old guys!”…Steve Martin hopes to make it, but won’t know until late April…Dick Matthews is sorry he’s going to miss the 60th Reunion due to a family obligation, but he’s looking forward to seeing all of us at the 65th!…Bob Muir had to cancel his coming to the 60th, after having sold his home of 52 years, and relocating to a retirement community in Newton, N.J.,…Rod O’Connor is looking forward to attending, especially after his productive visit to the campus last October, when Wes beat Williams in football for our first Little Three title in 40 years!…Art Spada is set to come to the Reunion, just needs answers to his logistics questions…Norm Stuessy and Ruth will be unable to join us in Middletown, I’m sad to report. Norm reports that “annoying health issues keep me from enjoying life as much as I used to…” Get well, Norm!…Marshall Umpleby reports he’s in remission and still taking chemo shots one week out of every six. Marshall writes that “the long trip to Wes from Ashland, Ore., might be more than I could handle.” He and Mimi just returned from a 10-day trip to Palo Alto, where they visited their nephew, a Cal prof, watched a Stanford-Oregon baseball game, and hooked up with many old teaching buddies. Marshall reports that it was “exhausting but well worth it.”…Finally, Hal White is planning to attend our 60th, right on the heels of being named “One of the 28 Most Inspiring Rabbis in the United States in 2013.”

That’s the latest, guys. Expect to have seen most of you, and then some, at our 60th Reunion this past May.

618 W. Lyon Farm Dr., Greenwich, CT 06831


WILLIAM M. CLAYBAUGH, a retired stockbroker, died Nov. 24, 2013. He was 82. A member of Psi Upsilon, he served in the U.S. Navy. Among those who survive are his wife, Jane Simmons Claybaugh, four children, 11 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and a nephew, Richard S. Wortley ’76.


BRUCE M. WHITTLES, a sales executive and video producer, died June 26, 2013, at age 80. The son of Lee J. Whittles of the class of 1919, he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Fluent in Spanish, he worked for Colt Firearms and Heublein in international sales. He also started a video production business. Among those who survive are his twin brother, Douglas P. Whittles ’54, three children, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.


HARRISON T. STEEGE, M.D., 79, a retired specialist in internal medicine, died Nov. 30, 2011. A member of Chi Psi, he was the son of Edgar H. Steege of the class of 1930. He received his medical degree from Temple University, served in the U.S. Air Force for four years, and then practiced medicine in Paoli, Penna., for 33 years. He was an avid participant in choruses, as well as a birder and a sailor. Predeceased by his first wife, Delite Fox Steege, survivors include his wife, Christine Dittmer Oates Steege; four children; two stepchildren; three grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; his brother; and a cousin, the Honorable Peter O. Steege ’55.


EDWIN R. KEYES, a former U.S. Marine Corps pilot and insurance executive, died June 17, 2012, at age 80. He was a member of Sigma Chi. While in the Marines, he served for 12 years as a fighter jet and helicopter pilot. After retiring from the Marines he received his CLU designation and worked with John Hancock Life Insurance, both in North Carolina and in California. When he retired from John Hancock he opened a sporting goods store, which he ran until 1991. His wife, Elizabeth Henderson Keyes, predeceased him. Among those who survive are five children, eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.


ALBERT WEINSTEIN, M.D., a retired ophthalmologist, died Nov. 26, 2006, at age 74. He was a member of the John Wesley Club and received his medical degree from the Boston University School of Medicine. A longtime member of the Trumbull-Monroe (Conn.) Health District, he had served as chair of the Trumbull Board of Health. Among those who survive are his wife, Helen Berger Weinstein; three sons, including Richard B. Weinstein ’85; two grandchildren; a brother; and a cousin, Edward Wasserman ’42, M.D.

Class of 1954 | 2014 | Issue 1

Gentlemen of 1954: Many thanks for your response to my e-mail. Seventeen of you came through! We’re looking for a big turnout at our 60th in May. Your Reunion Committee is in dialogue with Wes… meanwhile, here’s the latest:

John Binswanger still involved in the family’s industrial real estate business, one with worldwide exposure. Fourth generation now active. John and new bride recently returned from a MedCruise: Spain to Turkey. Next stop: Australia. Before the Mediterranean: Far East. John will be at the 60th.

Bill Christopher has seen Terry Hatter a few times over the past year. Recently, Bill and Barbara went to China (Beijing, Xian, and a cruise down the Yangtze from Chungqing to Shanghai.) Bill’s recap: “The trip was fascinating, but you don’t want to live there.” Bill and Barb will be at the 60th.

Last fall, Eric Cone and Hal White did a color tour of Vermont, plus a swing through the Wesleyan campus. Both agreed to attend our 60th next May. It will be Eric’s first Reunion. Meanwhile, he’s wrapping up affairs at the Oakland nonprofit that he helped found more than 30 years ago.

Ed Dewey and wife Joyce continue to live in the mountains of North Carolina at Big Canoe Resort. Recent travel has been limited to California, where their son, his wife, and 2-year-old grandson live. However, Ed and Joyce hope to return to Europe next year, especially England, Austria, and Germany.

Al Flynn and Emi have moved South to “a magnificent continuing care retirement community” in Asheville, N.C., following Al’s being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. A son lives nearby in Charlotte, with wife Jill, and three children. Son works for Wells Fargo, and Jill is on faculty of Charlotte Latin School. Al and Emi’s daughter, Sarah ’90, lives in San Jose with husband and two children. Al and Emi plan to celebrate their 50th anniversary with a tour of U.S. National Parks.

Shep Johnson and Nancy are doing well in a Florida retirement center. They get North each fall for six to eight weeks, and for upcoming graduations from St. Lawrence, Middlebury, B.U., and Franklin and Marshall. The Johnsons plan on being at our 60th.

Bud Johnson will be coming to Reunion off an Oceana ship, after attending grandson’s high school graduation in Charlotte on May 20th.

Karl Heiser ’55 read of Ed Keyes’ passing and sent this note (excerpts): “Got to know him better at MCAS-Kaneohe in 1961–63. He was an MAG-13 and I was a ground officer in the 4th Marines…Ed was a good Marine and a good guy…”

Curt McLaughlin and Barbara have moved to a continuing care retirement community near their former home in Chapel Hill. Both are in good health. “Many old and new friends. Many concerns relieved.”

Bob Muir is looking forward to our 60th Reunion in May.

Rod O’Connor visited Wesleyan for his first time since our 50th in 2004. Granddaughter Cameron Arkin ’17 is first-year student. It was Parents and Homecoming Weekend and the Wes football team won the Little Three Championship by beating Williams for the first time since 1970. Team had 7-0 record. Rod was very impressed with Wesleyan’s president, and he expects to be at our 60th next May.

George Ray says he’s looking forward to working with his fellow ’54ers on the Reunion.

Jules Schwaber retired from medical practice in 2012, just prior to reaching his 80th birthday—but he still has a foot in the door teaching first-year Harvard Med students weekly. Jules is enjoying leisure and less pressured days. Jule’s wife, Evelyne, is still working! They have far-flung family, with sons in L.A., Maryland, and Israel. Jules is “looking forward to seeing all of you at our 60th.”

Big news from Art Spada: “Aspiring to a successful 60th Reunion, I am going to donate the sum of $10,000 to the Wesleyan University Spada Scholarship Fund.” Art is hopeful that we may be able to raise $250,000 as we celebrate what may be our final (?) class Reunion. Art adds: “We may not be much in numbers, but we are surely strong in fidelity.”

Dave Walden is coming from Canada for our 60th Reunion. From Wesleyan in ’54, Dave entered Cornell, earning a MSc and PhD (1959). Dave and Carol married in ’56. Son is John ’82; daughter, Karen, is U. of Guelph ’85. Both kids live in Canada. Dave joined the faculty at U. of Western Ontario in 1961 and retired from there in 1997. His specialty was and is genetics, and Dave has received many honors and prestigious appointments over the years.

Harold White in Washington, D.C., is still at Georgetown U., lecturing in theology and serving as senior advisor to a program he created on Jewish Civilization. Hal is also working for the College President’s Office on a new initiative for Jewish-Catholic Dialogue.

We were saddened to learn of the death of Bill Claybaugh on Nov. 24, 2013. Our deepest condolences to Jane and their family.

Best to all, and see you in May!


618 W. Lyon Farm Dr., Greenwich, CT 06831


LEONARD ULLIAN, the founder of The Law Office of Ullian & Associates, Inc., died Jan. 11, 2010, at age 77. A member of Chi Psi, he served in the U.S. Navy. He received his MBA degree from Columbia University and his law degree from Suffolk Law School. Survivors include his wife, Marilyn Jacobson Ullian; three children, including Thomas Ullian ’85; seven grandchildren; and a large extended family.


SCOTT SHEPHERD, a businessman and principal of Scott Shepherd Associates, died Nov. 16, 2011. He was 79. A member of Psi Upsilon, he served in the U.S. Army. His career with AT&T took him from a salesman to a lobbyist. A community volunteer, he was particularly active with the Salvation Army in support of post-9/11 and military efforts. He was also a runner and a historical researcher. Among those who survive are his wife, Ruth Gesin Shepherd, two children, and a granddaughter.


EDMUND H. SONNENBLICK, MD, 74, a cardiologist whose research formed the basis for the modern treatment of heart failure, died Sept. 22, 2007. He received his degree with high honors and with high distinction in chemistry, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and to Sigma Xi. After receiving his medical degree at Harvard University, where he was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, he trained at Columbia University’s Presbyterian Hospital, continued his research at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Md., and at Harvard University, and joined the Albert Einstein College of Medicine faculty in the Bronx, N.Y., where he was a distinguished university professor of medicine. His findings about the structure and function of heart muscle cells and how the heart muscle contracts and relaxes contributed to the development by others of a new class of lifesaving drugs, called ACE inhibitors. He and other researchers also adapted beta blockers for use in heart failure, and he was credited as the first to use an electron microscope to image heart muscle under scientifically controlled conditions. He received the Distinguished Scientist Award from the American College of Cardiology in 1985, and this year the American Heart Association named him the recipient of one of its highest prizes, the Research Achievement Award. His daughter, Annie Sonnenblick ’80, for whom the Annie Sonnenblick Lecture/Distinguished Writer Series and the Annie Sonnenblick Writing Prize is named, predeceased him. He is survived by his wife, Linda Bland Sonnenblick; two daughters, including Charlotte Van Doren ’84; and five grandchildren, including Caroline Offit ’10.