Philip B. Flagler ’54
Philip B. Flagler ’54 died on passed away on April 20, 2020 at the age of 87. A full obituary can be found here.
Philip B. Flagler ’54 died on passed away on April 20, 2020 at the age of 87. A full obituary can be found here.
Greetings to my fellow ’54ers as we all shelter in place. Thanks to six of you for responding. Here’s what’s going on:
John Binswanger is, like all of us, hunkering down at home, well and happy. John isn’t working but talks to the office every few weeks. While John’s children are mostly close by, he can’t meet with them but can communicate. Stay strong, John.
Ken Davenny writes from the Olympic Peninsula in Northwest Washington State, across the Salish Sea from Victoria, Canada. Ken notes that he and bride Kris have discovered Skype as a way to keep in touch with their families.
From Scotts Valley, Calif., Dave Hodgin reports he is still working regularly, and enjoying the effort to keep his businesses progressing. Hardest hit, says Dave, were his music entertainment classes for small children. However, today a third of their families have joined him for online courses using Zoom. Dave says he is struggling to keep his employees working and paid during these strange times.
Bud Johnson and Lynn are currently self-quarantined in Florida, with hopes of returning to Westchester in mid-June. All eight of their grandkids are home from college or work. One did return to Wake Forest on May 1 for senior year finals but pack up/cleanout and graduation will be later this year. Fortunately, the three in college have summer internships confirmed, but starting late.
Curt McLaughlin is doing well in their continuing care retirement community bubble. While still recovering from a broken and replaced hip, he is doing lots of walking outdoors. Curt is still working on sections of the fourth edition of a new text.
Len Stolba reports that with lots of acreage and multiple structures, and his wife’s vegetable gardens, they have plenty to keep them busy. Len also takes the dog to the park, does the shopping, and feeds his art projects via Lowe’s and Home Depot. Len’s word: “Your car is your safest place and the takeaway window, your friend!”
On a very sad note: Our classmate Norm Stuessy passed away recently, followed shortly by his wife, Ruth. In addition, I learned of the passing of Phil Flagler at Medford Leas in New Jersey. We will all miss them very much.
Meanwhile, your scribe, Bob Carey, and Libby have missed four graduations this spring, including one in London, all due to the pandemic. Our biggest adventure each day is our walk around the loop road here at Lyon Farm in Greenwich, Conn. However, we are becoming experts at Zoom through which we have celebrated family birthdays and graduations. Stay well, you guys, and all the best!
618 W. Lyon Farm Dr., Greenwich, CT 06831 | 203/532-1745
Greetings, Classmates of ’54. Thanks to three of you for responding to my recent email seeking info on your doings.
Shep Johnson reports on three weeks in New England recently to officiate at the wedding of a grandson, and to satisfy his and Nancy’s lobster-and-clam-eating urges. Shep also says his battle with Parkinson’s seems to be at a standoff. Good news!
Len Stolba reported from Maui during a buffet breakfast. Lenny is okay approaching 88 and avoids stress by avoiding all news, especially political.
Dave Hodgin still chairs the Pathfinder Companies’ consulting business (just celebrated 50 years), is treasurer for his family business, MusicMe, Inc., is president of the local Senior Life Association, and is involved in building a performing arts center for his community, Scotts Valley, Calif.
Finally, guys, very sad news in that we lost two more of our classmates this past November: Chuck Davis (Nov. 12) and Dave Redfield (Nov. 26). Meanwhile your scribe, Bob Carey, and bride Libby are off to Sanibel Island, Fla., for five weeks in February and March, then back to Greenwich, Conn., and Bob’s Call-A-Ride and Meals-On-Wheels volunteer activities. That’s it, guys: a wrap. All the best!
618 W. Lyon Farm Dr., Greenwich, CT 06831 | 203/532-1745
Greetings, Classmates of 1954. Thanks for responses from four stalwarts, as follows:
Dave Hodgin is still going to his office every day and says he remains quite healthy. Dave traveled a bit early this past summer, to Estonia and Latvia, then spent 10 days in Hawaii. Still productive and happy, but with one huge “bummer”: missing his wife of 61 years, who died five years ago.
Len Stolba says he remains healthy and happy sitting on their 1.6 acres and managing his biennial barn sale of past art. Len sends cheers to all.
Bud Johnson writes that travel and grandchildren capture his and Lynn’s key attention these days. Two grandsons did internships in Beijing while college sophomores. Bud and bride did visit them once, but vetoed another 15-hour flight! Instead they recently spent Labor Day week cruising the U.K., the Netherlands, and Iceland—where coincidence put them in a thermal power plant with China’s inquisitive ambassador to Iceland! Go, Bud!
Marty Feins writes with sad news: his wife of nearly 65 years, Michelle, passed away this summer after a long illness—thus preventing Marty from attending our 65th Reunion. Marty is now in the process of moving into a condominium in Naples, Fla., and would welcome contacts from his ’54 classmates. Marty’s e-mail is Finally, sad to relate that two more of us have departed: Win Richmond on April 19 and Eric Cone on July 24.
Your humble scribe, Bob Carey, and bride Libby, had a very nice summer, highlighted by a great trip to San Diego to visit Bob’s daughter, Ann, and family, and to go whale watching in the Pacific. In October, we traveled to London to see Libby’s son, Jack, and to attend a memorial service for our daughter-in-law, Julienne, who, sadly, passed away last spring at 53. In November we journey via train to Vermont, to visit Bob’s daughter, Leah, and family. Otherwise, we’re busy with our volunteer activities (for Bob, that’s driving for Call-A-Ride and for Meals-On-Wheels.). Happy Holidays to all.
618 W. Lyon Farm Dr., Greenwich, CT 06831 | 203/532-1745
David W. Redfield ’54, P ’85 passed away on Nov. 26, 2019. A full obituary can be found here.
Charles W. “Chuck” Davis ’54, P ’81 passed away on Nov. 12, 2019. A full obituary can be found here.
Winslow T. Richmond Jr. ’54 passed away on April 19, 2019 at the age of 87. A full obituary can be found here.
Eric C. Cone ’54 passed away on July 24, 2019. A full obituary can be found here.
Gentleman of ’54: It was an interesting but brief 65th Reunion on May 24-25 at Wesleyan. Five stalwarts were there: John Binswanger and Gay, George Ray and Pree, Dick Matthews and Bjorg, and Bob Carey and Libby, plus Jim LaCrosse ’57, who started with us in 1950, but departed after sophomore year for the Army, returning later to graduate. George and Pree were at St. Lawrence University for a granddaughter’s graduation just prior to joining us in Middletown for the 65th.
Seven of you had e-mailed that you were coming. The four who did make it, plus three who couldn’t: Marty Feins, Bob Gruskay, and Bob Monstream. John Mesch had hoped to make it, but was unable to do so.
Bob Gruskay moved to Duncaster, a retirement community in Bloomfield, Conn., where he is teaching a course in opera and one in duplicate bridge. Bob Monstream’s health issues required a three-plus day hospital stay the week of our 65th. Len Stolba sends best wishes to all.
Rod O’Connor writes that he is a survivor of stage 4 melanoma and resides these days at his house in Aiken, S.C. Rod has two daughters plus four grandchildren “well along in successful careers.”
Dave Hodgin checked in with me but couldn’t attend Reunion. Jim Yashar was still in Florida until early June, so he couldn’t attend either. Ruth and Norm Stuessy missed seeing everyone at the Reunion. Terry Hatter was having eye surgery during Reunion week, and Trudy was about to have back surgery. Terry hopes to be there at our 70th. Bruce Storms and Ann are “well and happy but were unable to attend the 65th.” Dan Resnick checked in to say hi. Shep Johnson was unable to make it. Dave Walden says they are not doing much traveling now, so was unable to get to the Reunion. Curt McLaughlin was unable to make it due to a conflict with local family activities.
Sad news, guys: Zeke Richmond passed away on April 9 in his Rhode Island home, reported Ann.
Your scribe, Bob Carey, and bride Libby enjoyed the 65th Reunion with our classmates and their wives. Hope that more than four can make it to our 70th in 2024!
All the best to all of you,
618 W. Lyon Farm Dr., Greenwich, CT 06831 | 203/532-1745
Joel D. Finegan ’54 passed away on Sept. 11, 2018. A full obituary can be found here.