JOSEPH S. ALESSI ’53, who had a long career in construction management, died Mar. 26, 2012. He was 83. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, he received his degree from Wesleyan, where he won trophies for football. His most notable projects were three of the Apollo S-1 S-2 test stands, the Veterans Regional Medical Center in Cleveland, and the skyscraper at 57th and Madison Avenue in New York City. Predeceased by a daughter and by several siblings, including Salvatore L. Alessi of the class of 1942, he is survived by his wife, Mary Ellen Webster Alessi; two daughters; his sister; his former wife; and several nieces and nephews, including Lisa M. Lombardo ’96


STEWART ATKINSON JR., M.D., 82, a retired ophthalmologist, died Nov. 8, 2006. A member of Psi Upsilon, he received a master’s degree from the University of Tennessee and his medical degree from the University of Vermont. Among those who survive are his wife, Jane Limburg Atkinson, three children, and five grandchildren.