CLASS OF 1951 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Charlie Selig shares: “I am still here at Boca West, Boca Raton, Florida, with my wonderful significant other, Madalyn Lehman. She has made my life worth living. Been together 13 years since my wife passed away. . . . Still swim laps regularly, work with my fitness man once a week, and play bridge online or at the club five days a week. . . . Wes is way back, but they were special days. Be well, Biff, and thanks to all that we are still living a decent life, even at 95. Regards to all Wesleyan men from the Class of 1951.”


Good correspondence with Francis Baudry who had come, at age 16, from Lyon, France, by way of New York City, to breeze through all the science programs to become a doctor and noted psychiatrist. He now lives on Cape Cod with his family. He sees a few patients, is active, and happy. Good news.

A great letter from Chuck Exley who also had a very successful post-Wesleyan career:

“Hello Biff:

“I am writing from sunny Sarasota, Florida, where I have lived with my wife, Carol, for well over 15 years. By chance, I just hosted a family reunion here over Easter weekend and was joined by my son, Yates Exley ’83, my nephew, Brian Walker ’00, and granddaughter, Sara Guernsey ’15, in addition to my two daughters and three great-granddaughters. I haven’t had the opportunity to catch up with any classmates of late but always look forward to the write-ups in the Wesleyan Magazine.

“Sending my best, Chuck”

Like Chuck, we would all like to hear from you.



Dear ’51ers,

You are letting the class down.

Here is the latest from super-loyal Barney Kathan. Barney gets to all events—he represents us well, and he still has his historic red blazer:

“I attended the Wesleyan alumni reunion in May 2023, along with my house guest, Don Schellhardt ’71, and discovered in the alumni procession that I was the second oldest alum in line, following a graduate from 1948 in a golf cart with his caregiver and walker. It was good to meet Leah Carlson at the Film Studies Center, where there is an annual award given in memory of my daughter, Nancy Lee Kathan ’76. My publisher is doing a second edition of my book, American Holy Days, with the addition of a section on our newest holiday, Juneteenth. Also, DreamBooks Media Professions would like to turn my book into a documentary movie, and I am working with them on that project. That’s all for now. —Barney”

Jean and I gave up the car last spring, so miss the campus events but watch for news sent regularly by the college.

And best in this New Year,


CLASS OF 1951 | 2023 | FALL ISSUE

Bill Hillis sent in a remembrance of what he has done. He graduated from the Brunswick School in 1947, then went off to Wesleyan. After graduating, he went to Cornell Medical School (graduated 1955) and did a surgical residency for two years at the University Hospital of Cleveland (1956–57). He spent two years in the U.S. Navy (1958–59) as a junior medical officer on the USS Midway. Afterward, he returned to the University Hospital of Cleveland to complete his surgical residency (1960–62). He spent 16 years in general surgery practice in Greenwich, Connecticut. Bill retired in 1997, living in Goshen, Connecticut, until 2014. He currently lives in a retirement community, Masonicare at Ashlar Village, Wallingford, Connecticut. He says he and Barbara are doing well.

Charlie Selig writes: “I am still here living a very good life. This is probably our last year in New York as we, meaning my significant other, Madalyn, is selling her condo. We plan on returning to Boca West, Boca Raton, Florida, where we have resided together for over 12 years. No more tennis, but swim laps here and in Florida, three or four times a week. Still crazy New York Giants fan and now watch all games on TV. Hoping to see team play in Miami this fall. Best to my old DKE friends and others at Wes. Sorry, have not been back to Wes for a long time. Regards, Charlie”

Word received that Dave Morey has died. Lived most recently at The Kendall in Ithaca, New York, after a long career in marketing at a variety of prestigious members of corporate America. Dave was an active member at John Wes and busy with the Atwater Club. Condolences to his family and friends. His obituary can be read here:


Just three responses since the fall when I last asked. We have all slowed down but what seems boring to you just might be of interest to the rest of us. I really like to have some “news” to share.

Now the “news.” From Richard (Dick) De Gennaro, “I am still alive at age 97. That’s my news.” You may remember that Dick and his brother George were members of Alpha Chi Rho. George had been in the service and Dick had studied in France prior to coming to Wesleyan.

Boardman “Barney” Kathan writes, “The only thing that I would add to the class notes is that after five years I have created an endowed scholarship fund at Yale Divinity School to help students with their tuition costs. I agreed to do this back in 2018, and I was received into a special donors’ group in a special dinner at the school in the fall. I had graduated from YDS in 1956.”

Charlie Selig, always the reliable correspondent writes, “All OK here at Boca West, Boca Raton, Florida. I had to stop tennis this year, but swim regularly and work out a number of times each week. Lots of bridge and social life keep me busy. Nothing like Florida weather . . . return to New York for four months in June. Enjoyed NFL season with my Giants finally hiring the coach and GM needed for future growth. Best to all Wes friends.”


Here we are in December with notes that you will receive in the future. Past notes in the future, and so it goes.

Good note from Ted Bartolotta, now residing in Florida with his wife, Evie, of 71 years. Ted retired from the Glastonbury, Connecticut, school system, where he led one of the best public school systems in the state. Ted noted that they have lived in Naples, Florida, for 32 years but did not comment on the recent hurricane.

Barney Kathan wrote in, as is custom, and told that currently he is hosting Don Schellhardt ’71, who has recently moved from California. Barney can be counted on to be at events, Homecoming included, in his family heirloom red jacket.

We have learned of the death last year of Bob Hammett, in retirement after a distinguished career in the ministry.

And our all-time best and most successful cheerleader and fundraiser Dave Jones died on Thanksgiving Day (2022). Dave’s work and generosity for alma mater are, and will remain, unmatched. A friend to all who knew him, he will be missed.

Jean and I have lived at Essex Meadows in Essex, Connecticut, for the past 10 years. The Meadows is a Continuing Care Residential Community with a full range of services from independent living to a licensed health facility. Managed by LCS of Des Moines, Iowa, I imagine many of you are in a similar situation. Why not share your stories.