CLASS OF 1959 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Greetings to the great Class of ’59. In this issue of Class Notes we are reporting on several events that are collective rather than individual.

First, our 65th Reunion. For various reasons, only a few stalwarts were able to attend. They were the Messrs. Steve Kaplan, Ed Murphy, Joe Mallory, Alan Brooks, Ted Fiske, Paul Hadzima, Joe Vander Veer, Herb Steiner, and Skip Silloway. Those of you who were unable to attend missed an absolutely sparkling spring weekend on the Wesleyan campus. Blue sky, moderate temperatures and humidity, and the spring green showed off the many trees planted over the years. It could not have been better. We enjoyed the many events Wes had planned for us including the class parade, the Alumni Association meeting, and the awarding of athletic prizes at the gym. And just walking on the campus in all its splendor was a plus. The best for us was the informal class memorial service for those in the class who passed away. The names of our deceased classmates were read out by Skip with a pause after each for a comment or remembrance. All present regretted how few we remembered. It took about an hour, and everyone appreciated it. (Last winter Wolfram Thiemann wrote from Bremen, Germany, to express his great regrets at not being able to attend our 65th Reunion due to his restricted mobility. He was sorry to hear about all the unrest on U.S. campuses and hoped Wesleyan was handling it well. Wolfram closed by saying how much he was thinking about and missing his Wesleyan classmates.)

Second, the effort to remember classmates raised questions about numbers. How many joined Wesleyan in the fall of ’55? How many graduated? How many are still alive? And so forth. Fortunately, Paul Hadzima was there, and he answered all those questions and more. There is some question about the accuracy of Wesleyan’s records, so Paul had to make several “adjustments”: 202 of us arrived on campus in the fall of ’55; 152 graduated, while 47 did not. There were 94 on a list of deceased that Wesleyan prepared, but Paul determined that 28 did not belong on that list for various reasons. Thus, 66 of our graduating class by this 65th Reunion were deceased. Of the 152 who graduated, 88 are still with us, although not all are able or willing to travel. Airports, plane rides, etc., are hard work!

Third, a report on the Class of ’59 record of donating in this reunion year. Of the 88 still going strong, 46 donated in this year: $164,241 was raised for Wesleyan’s greatest need (this means donating through WAF), and $307,988 was raised for other support (this means to specific efforts such as scholarships or a specific athletic team). Overall, $1,316,869 was raised for our toral reunion gift (this means our total for five years).

And, lastly, a postscript from Alan:

            “Diminished in numbers but not in spirit, the MidCoast Maine ‘reunioners’ gathered for the eighth year (it could be more; we kinda lost track) at Joe Mallory’s lovely home in New Harbor on September 12. 

“Joe prepared his signature dinner of Chicken Marbella for Dick and Linda Cadigan, [my wife,] Marie-Pier Brooks, and me. It was quite tasty! Kudos to the chef! Following [the] mandatory discussion of our medical challenges, there was talk of family, friends, Wesleyan, and, of course, the great Class of ’59.

“We hope to continue the tradition and to pull Bob Chase, one of the original members, back into the group.”

CLASS OF 1958 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Neil Henry was amazed to discover that his “news” about a new washer and puppy was considered “exciting.” 

Ezra Amsterdam recently received more accolades. This time it was “Master of the American Society of Preventive Cardiology.” This was awarded “for the highest level of research, education, and service to the prevention of cardiovascular disease.” On a lighter note, “we follow our beloved Yankees.” Ezra says, “I enjoy frequent correspondence with Dick Goldman.”

Dick Goldman continues to play golf and tennis. He has a girlfriend, and they will go to Kona in Hawaii in October. And he still serves as vice president of the Wesleyan Lawyers Association. 

Heidi and Tom Mosher will host 15 Moshers in La Jolla, California, for a celebration of health and good fortune. Three of seven grandchildren have graduated college.

Dan Woodhead proudly reminded me that his two grandsons, Dylan and Quinn, would be playing for the U.S. Water Polo Team in the Olympics. I marked the next match on my calendar—I was eager to see if I’d recognize Dylan or Quinn as a chip off the old Woodhead. The match began, I watched closely, looking for characteristic Woodhead features, but all I could see were the tops of heads and splashing. At first I blamed my octogenarian eyes for failing me, but then I noticed the announcers’ also couldn’t tell who was who—the glaring absence of the players’ names in their play-by-play commentary was glaringly obvious. To give the announcers credit—most of the time, they knew which ones were the goalies.     

Bob and Kay Terkhorn continue to travel—this time a seven-day Mississippi cruise, Memphis to New Orleans. Next will be a Boston-to-Boston cruise next year.

Bart Bolton plans to attend his high school’s 70th reunion this fall. Seven of 17 graduates will be there.

A note from Kennebunk: Bob Wuerthner is proud of his last two grandchildren graduating college (UNC and Holy Cross). He still plays tennis and recalls our freshman year basketball at Wesleyan coached by John Burke.

Dick Tompkins checked in. Still doing well, eight months in Florida and four months in Minnesota. He will go to Nantucket for a week for a family gathering. Then a Great Lakes cruise at the end of August and a fly-fishing trip to Montana in September. Still enjoys theater, bridge, and golf.

Tony Codding is in Maine, boating and swimming almost daily on Long Lake. He wrote to Bill Clark who is in Tucson, slightly cooler than Phoenix, but still 110 to 112 degrees.

Dick Seabury took the time and effort to send a nice note, snail mail. He is in New Jersey and is a trustee of the Montville Historical Society and Museum. And he has enjoyed 54 years as a Morris County Park commissioner. Since 1982 he has collected nine antique autos and small trucks. He feels it is time to sell off since the younger generation cannot drive a stick/clutch car. (And hidden in his car barn are several fifths of expensive Rye Whiskey expertly made in West Virginia.)

Kay and I are doing OK, everything works, but not as well. I was deeply saddened by the news of Bob Fisher’s passing. We were roommates for three years at Wes and continued to visit and correspond after. His stepdaughter, who informed me of his passing, believes that he lost the will to live when his wife died. You can read his obituary here.

CLASS OF 1957 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Ken Travis is enjoying life in the Pacific Northwest, although he still has some New England withdrawal symptoms. In August he and Janice celebrated 65 years since they tied the knot in the Wesleyan chapel. They recently welcomed two additional great-granddaughters to the fold. 

From left to right: Ken’s great-granddaughters, Josephine, Penelope, and Charlotte with Ken and Janice.
(Not pictured is grandmother, Leslie ’85)

Ed Porter sent along a picture of his latest acquisition, a 23-foot gaff-rigged yawl that even has some space below deck. He’s a regular sight sailing on Penobscot Bay in Maine. Ed hopes all our classmates had a fine summer.

Ed Porter’s yawl on Penobscot Bay.

For the past 31 years Jack Goodhue has written about 400 columns and feature-length articles for a business magazine. Those days are over, as he and the mag have agreed to call it quits. It was fun, but now he and Jane have more free time to enjoy life in Wilmington, North Carolina. They are another couple with great-grandchildren, living in Texas and California.

Jack also wrote to notify us of the death of Norm Miller this past July.  After his retirement from Tulane University, where he was a professor of Spanish arts, Norm moved to Tucson, Arizona. He served as a docent at the University of Arizona Museum of Art. Jack, Norm, and Trent Sorenson MA ’58 were the trio who absconded with the Douglas Cannon on a dark and dreary night just before our graduation. If you get back to Wesleyan, Jack’s scrapbook on the theft is in the Olin Library’s archives. 

I heard from Mark Feldman, who just recovered from a nasty bout of pneumonia. He’s thankful for that and grateful to the loving women in his life. Mark promises to let me know if he wins the lottery. 

Gordon Wilmot may have topped us all with four great-grandkids. He and Marilyn plan to celebrate their upcoming anniversary by flying to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and staying in a VRBO for a week. They’ll stop for another week in Key West, on their way back to Rhode Island. They go somewhere every November for their anniversary and again in March for their birthdays. 

We’ve had a few remote birthdays in our family. Our youngest grandchild, who now lives in Missouri, turned 8 in June. Halfway across the country is a long drive! Next time we’ll fly. Then in July our daughter and great-grandson had birthdays, two days apart. Hers ended in a zero. Naturally, we drove to Maryland for the occasion. 

Until next time, stay well. 


CLASS OF 1956 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Who of us, way back in 1956, could even have imagined the big NINE-OH—a 90th birthday!—especially our own? But now it has (or will) come! I suspect that most of us survivors are thankfully—and gratefully—taking it in stride. But before we celebrate, we must remember those who are no longer with us.  

But for now, Larry Tremper reports: “I celebrated my 90th on the 11th” (that’s 7/11!) “with my family in Virginia—including a two-month-old second great-granddaughter. Unfortunately, Flo is having complications from her accident, so I have become the caretaker, but I don’t do everything right. Say a prayer for her.

“I’d been playing golf until it got too hot. However, I can’t bend to put the tee into the ground, but I’m not hitting the ball much worse.”

Larry wondered, “How many of us are left?” I’m sorry to say that I don’t know.

Donald Gerardi “reached the significant marker in June. Just another reminder of the cliché time flies. After graduate school at Columbia, where I got a PhD in history, I remained in New York as a professor of history and religious studies at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. They were years of profound changes in academic and urban life. Since retiring about two decades ago, I’ve done a good deal of traveling. Berlin has become a home away from home—not surprising since I was a quite active member of the German Club on campus. I’m now completing a retirement project, The Rector of Trinity Church: Morgan Dix and the Challenge of Urban Ministry in 19th Century New York. Getting it published is the next hurdle.”

From Douglas Northrop: “I spent a couple of seasons playing basketball with Andy Milewski and was lifelong friends with Dick Boyden. It is sad to lose such friends, relatives, colleagues, or classmates. Even sadder in some ways is to know some of the brightest guys are suffering various forms of dementia. Meanwhile, Al Haas and I muddle on—not the brightest of the class, but maybe the youngest. I remember going for my scholarship interview at the tender age of 16 and being noticeably immature. 
            “The good news is that a colleague at Ripon College, where we taught, is going to be 95 in September, and to celebrate his birthday, the play reading group we belong to is going to perform—texts in hand—Twelfth Night so he can be Malvolio, a role he always wished for. So, even if we can’t remember our lines, we can still have fun together. And in October I will offer an adult seminar up in Door County on Cinematic Sherlocks, following my last year’s seminar on Cinematic Cinderellas.”

The news from Al Haas is that he is finally retiring after a satisfying career as a math teacher, high school principal, human resource director, and—for the past 40 years—an independent educational consultant. The transition was announced on his web site: If you would like to learn more about what Al has been up to and meet the new team, you can Google “educational futures” online.

From Jim Wagner: “On July 22, Betty and I celebrated the first birthday of our fifth grandchild, born to our daughter, Carmen. Two of our sons will drive us to Harrisonburg, Virginia, to celebrate [Betty’s] 60th high school class reunion. We have given up that skill. And on August 9, we will be celebrating our 55th wedding anniversary.”

Jim Jekel adds: “I don’t think I have anything newsworthy, but as an update, I am trying to keep my memory strong enough to remember the names of four children plus spouses, eight grandchildren plus spouses, and thirteen great-grandchildren (no spouses yet). That seems to be as hard now as remembering human anatomy was back in 1957. The good news is that their activities are fun to hear about and sometimes observe. Right now I am trying to discard scads of paper, to save my heirs the task. That helps to keep my mind off the crazy world news of the moment.” 

Mort Paterson is “Still kickin’—at age 90. Even on stage, as a bigoted senator in The Alabama Story. A wordy role—let’s hope I can learn by September. It plays at Old Academy Players, the amateur theater here in Philly where Grace Kelly got her start.  

 “Travel these days is a challenge. Did I forget my pills? Where’s my boarding pass? How do I put on airplane mode? Terminal what? Fortunately, my wife, Susan, saves the day as travel agent and computer techie. Last year we managed a trip to Paris with side [trips] to Mont St. Michel and Chamonix. Thankful to be able to do it.   

 “Can’t shake that old ‘achievement motive’ I learned about at Wesleyan: I hope to put a video on YouTube next month about the ‘right way’ to speak Shakespeare’s verse. My sons say I’ve ‘gotta get it out there.’”

George: Far be it for me to indulge in one-upmanship, but on July 30, Ann and I celebrated our 64 years of wedded bliss. By the way, I don’t drive, but Ann still does.

CLASS OF 1955 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Big smile! Once again, thanks to Tom Nall, the streak of reporting class notes continues, and it does so with my sincere appreciation. Tom reports that he is still able to drive even if most of the driving is to visit his doctors! And while maintaining self-care, he does admit it’s getting harder. Sound familiar? His doctor has commented that he’s doing well, as at this point, he’s outlived 90% of those born in 1933! Tom is planning to move into a senior living facility and asks, “may we all enjoy what is left of our lives.”

While leaving Florida and the many wonderful cycling memories, being only a 15- minute drive from my son and my daughter-in-law has certainly contributed to my sense of well-being. Living alone makes the need for more socializing very important, and the effort is worthwhile. New friendships are always a treat.

Bob Keeler passed away on May 31, 2024. Bob was a member of Beta Theta Pi at Wesleyan and was active in the fraternity throughout his life. He is survived by his wife of almost 61 years, Mary Jean, three children, four grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. My sincere condolences to his family.

Let me close by urging more of you to keep in touch with all of us. And as always, my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the days ahead.

CLASS OF 1954 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Dan Resnick has stepped away from his role as your class secretary. We thank Dan very much for his work connecting you with each other. If you’d like to become the new class scribe or have any news to share for the next issue of Class Notes, please write to Liz Martin Taylor ’87, Class Notes Editor, at

CLASS OF 1951 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Charlie Selig shares: “I am still here at Boca West, Boca Raton, Florida, with my wonderful significant other, Madalyn Lehman. She has made my life worth living. Been together 13 years since my wife passed away. . . . Still swim laps regularly, work with my fitness man once a week, and play bridge online or at the club five days a week. . . . Wes is way back, but they were special days. Be well, Biff, and thanks to all that we are still living a decent life, even at 95. Regards to all Wesleyan men from the Class of 1951.”

CLASS OF 1950 | 2024 | FALL ISSUE

Cliff Milner shares this update: “My news is that I am still alive. My family helped me celebrate my 96th birthday last night with pizza and wings . . . my teeth are still working! Actually, my birthday—August 10—is tomorrow. I have had some sicknesses in the past year, but with the help of my local son and daughter, I hope the coming year will be more pleasant! I still live in the home we purchased back in 1958, with my youngest son. My wife, Marilyn, passed away 10 years ago right after we had returned from a trip to Florida, where we visited the families of the three kids living there. My daughter lives in the next town of Webster.

“I have been a radio ham (K2SKO) since 1952 and am the oldest ex-president of our local club. After many years of being a hobbyist woodworker, I finally joined the local woodworking society. It is excellent and I only wish I had joined a long time ago.

“I guess this is enough to fill a spot in the 1950 record! I forgot to mention that I have 19 great-grandchildren; one those kids just got her driving license, so might soon give me a great-great-grandchild.”