Marty Weil reports in from The Washington Post where he is an editor. He is glad to have us doing the editing of elements of the “woke” phenomenon. He allows he may or may not come to the reunion. How is that for taking a stand?

We heard from Charlie Huchet. Still living in the same house but now all on one floor. Getting to it, however, requires 29 steps up to the front door. He is cutting back on his many community activities but remains active in Friends of the Library and local politics. He has just applied to run for the local planning commission. That doesn’t seem like cutting back!

Bob Waterhouse updates us on his move to Venice, Florida, in 2018. He describes it as “kind of ‘winter reverse’ via air-conditioning. Not doing much but my days are full.” We imagine many of us might report the same experience.     

Herb Steiner reports the “gift” of two stents as presents for his 86th birthday. Sounds like all is well as he is in rehab, but he had to cancel a European boat trip. Winters in Delray Beach, Florida, for four months starting in December. Biking, pickleball, and walking are activities he hopes will be in his rehab program. Reading and daily violin practice are brain-healthy activities. Hopes to come to the 65th. Regularly sees Bob Ogren, Tim Martin, and Joe Vander Veer.

We heard from Tim Day, writing from Jackson Hole. He and Sandy are almost done “downsizing,” as many of us have done. In their case, this means maintaining their three locations: Phoenix, La Jolla, and Jackson, but moving to condos or managed properties. A glass of wine or two sees them through the many choices that have to be made. Tim is active—three days a week in the gym—but admits to needing a bit more sleep as a result. (Don’t we all?) His initiative to send marine officers to Harvard Business School continues. He has now sent 75 marines to HBS, 24 of whom are general officers. That is a great contribution!

We all miss John Spurdle.