I attended the wonderful celebration of Jon Berk’s life in Middletown. His family and friends superbly covered all the various aspects of his life, and speakers included our own Bill Gallitto (Jon’s law partner for many years), a particularly eloquent Mike McKenna ’73, and the long-absent Pat Bailey. Pat, asking to be referred to as “Paco,” shared memories of his and Jon’s time in Madrid with the Wesleyan-Vassar (emphasis on Vassar) program. Also present were Tom Halsey and Steve Goldschmidt. As Yogi Berra said, be sure to go to your friends’ memorials or they won’t go to yours.

Pat Bailey told us how he had flatlined for seven minutes during a recent medical procedure but was apparently (and most palpably) revived. He is taking it in stride, now having a second birthday to celebrate. He continues to live the good life in his native Virgin Islands, heavily involved in sailing, as evidenced by his business card, which reads, “World Sailing International, Judge; World Sailing International, Technical Delegate; Pan Am Sailing Vice President; Caribbean Sailing Association Vice President.” Something to ponder while shoveling snow this winter.

While I am always looking for news from classmates like Pat, from whom we haven’t heard in a while, I am delighted to share some very significant news items from several regular contributors.

Andy Feinstein was recently honored by the Connecticut Special Education Legal Fund with an award. For many years Andy has devoted himself to the noble and essential cause of representing students with special needs and their parents in efforts to get the appropriate education the law supposedly assures them. As the father of two successful products of the special ed system, I particularly value Andy’s efforts. He was introduced at the function by Senator Chris Murphy, and I encourage you to view the video at Watch it and be proud.

Bob in his wrestling days

Bob White, famed class agent and researcher of medical history, was inducted into the 2023 Newark Athletic Hall of Fame in commemoration of his wrestling career at Weequahic High School. Bob loves Wesleyan and also loves that the Weequahic High School Alumni Association bought an ad in his honor. 

Lucy Knight, renowned biographer of Jane Addams, was a featured “talking head” in a new documentary about Jane Addams produced by Chicago Public Television (WTTW). It was broadcast in October as part of their Chicago Stories, all of which are now streaming on the station’s website. In the new year she will give a Zoom talk about the Grimke sisters and petitioning for the Frances Willard House Museum in Evanston, Illinois, the city in which she lives.

During the past few months, Leon Vinci attended “a few” public health meetings, visited universities where he presented on climate change and disease vectors, climate and the nexus with media communication portrayals, and citizen science. The list includes Benedict College, Columbia, South Carolina; Stetson University; Southern Connecticut State University; National Environmental Health Association Educational Conference, New Orleans; One Health International Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica; American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta; Interstate Environmental Health Symposium, Jekyll Island, Georgia. “And I’m in the queue to give an international Zoom lecture with Drexel University, (after my knee replacement next month [yuck]).” Leon had two children get married in 2023 (Doug and Laura) and received the 2023 Presidential Citation Award from President Gary Brown of the National Environmental Health Association at their annual educational conference in hot and humid New Orleans in August.

Stay well and keep those honors and recognitions coming!