Rick McGauley lives in Orleans, Massachusetts, and has family close.

Rip Hoffman resides in Redding, Connecticut, and is a Lutheran minister on call.

John Mergendoller ’68, travels, birds, and studies north of San Francisco. His family takes the whole image on the Christmas card.

Mo Hakim ’70 is the Lemonade King. His organic beverages are widely available.

Phil Dundas ’70 winters in Abu Dhabi and summers in Westbrook, Connecticut.

The death of Professor Richard Buel saddened many. While he lived at Essex Meadows, his presence along the Connecticut shoreline was apparent. He and I met monthly at a CVS. He led a remarkable life.

Daughter Annie is a child therapist in New Jersey and rescues dachshunds; five right now. Other daughter, Liz, has three children, ages eight to 14, girl/boy/girl, in Dundee, Michigan. Her husband works in an area nuclear plant.

Our world has shrunk to clinics, CVS, and TV. Maybe add library and food. I read large print. God willing, I will return for Commencement. Writers/artists/friends always welcome in Old Saybrook.