An update from Emil Frankel: “Kathryn and I continue our lives in Washington, D.C. I remain affiliated with a small, Washington, D.C.–based, transportation policy think tank, the Eno Center for Transportation, but most of my ‘advising’ consists of discussing transportation history and policy with former colleagues over lunches and through email exchanges. My intellectual and emotional energies are focused on the efforts to preserve democratic values and institutions both here at home and in Israel. As to the former, I remain involved in every Never Trump activity available to me, including some marginal involvement in a third-party effort (although I remain skeptical that the moment is right to launch a new centrist party). As to the latter, I am deeply engaged in efforts in my Reform temple to educate our congregants and the wider Jewish community about the attacks on democracy by Israel’s current extremist and theocratic right-wing government.

“I returned to my native state of Connecticut a few weeks after Reunion weekend to join in services to honor the memory of my former boss, former U.S. senator and former Connecticut governor, Lowell Weicker. I mention this because Governor Weicker received an honorary degree from Wesleyan in the early 1990s. He was the first sitting governor of Connecticut to receive an honorary degree from Wesleyan for many years, a historic tradition that seems to have been abandoned by the University in the 1970s. Lowell Weicker was a unique and extraordinary public figure; I am proud that Wesleyan recognized his contributions and that I had the opportunity to work with and for him.” 

At the time of our last Class Notes publication, Emil had written: “I wanted to let you know that our classmate and fellow Eclectic, Joe Powers, passed away a day or two ago. Joe and Maria had moved back to the Washington, D.C., region from New Mexico a few months ago, and they were living in northern Virginia when he died.”

Here’s a quickie note from Robert Wielde: “Proof of life. Traveling some. Reading a lot. Worried for the country.”                   

Peter Funk has provided a newsy update. He writes: “I am pleased to report that Jennie and I are well. I remain active in our island’s affairs, continue to sail and race offshore, and generally keep upright. I am reminded of Wesleyan frequently by daughters Lexy ’91 and Jenny ’95 whose offspring have visited campus to assess entry. No hits so far. I marvel at the lunacy of our American politics and the robustness of the economy. I remain hopeful for a more united Europe despite Brexit, which has dragged Jersey into the foreign nation category with attendant border and other restrictions. The war in Ukraine and threats arising overhang everything here. Please convey my best wishes to our fellow classmates and extend my welcome to visitors.”

Alexander McCurdy responded with a question: “My contribution would be a question regarding the folk singing group The Highwaymen. Didn’t this group originate in our era at the Alpha Delta fraternity house? Anybody know how they evolved with or into the later famous group with that name?” Your class secretary replied to Sandy suggesting he Google “Wesleyan Highwaymen 1960,” which he did with gratifying results.

John Rogers:

“Understand the continuing appeal and really appreciate your zeal

I’ve answered more often than you should reveal

So ignore or edit my replies and conceal

Our new home in Kentucky not a big deal

Although plentiful bourbon and horses produce a good yield

The aging body aches before and after each meal

But doubt my wife and 12 doctors really know how I feel

So I’ll continue daily rehab to heal

To try to delay the time when remaining family and friends kneel”

Paul Boynton reports on three issues: “One, my grandson, Caius Boynton, an accomplished musician and graphic artist, has just begun has first year at Wesleyan; and two, his equally talented twin sister, Auren Boynton, is simultaneously matriculating at Williams! Finally, three—their uncle, Eric Boynton (youngest of four sons), was recently inaugurated as the 12th president of Beloit College, founded in 1846.” Paul is the proud grandfather of eight and the father of four.