Class of ’58,

I should not have asked for your escapades when I requested info for the alumnus.  I forgot that we old-timers have few escapades. I did hear from John Watson who thanked me for some golf equipment advice I gave him, but he gave up golf for billiards. He plays with his grandson, who is a senior at Sacramento State.  

            Tom Mosher and his family of 15 spent two weeks in southern Germany and on the Rhine. He labeled it the best trip ever.

            Dan Woodhead is OK, nothing exciting going on. Dan, that is a plus.

            I have received emails from Bob Hayes, who is in Massachusetts and going it alone after losing his beloved Poog.

            Ezra Amsterdam is still in harness in Davis, California. He is not full time, but I am sure his colleagues think he is.

            Art Geltzer went to our reunion last June. He stayed in Portland. He observed that the school had changed little in the last 10 years.

            I had a phone conversation with Bob Fisher—doing OK, gave up skiing and tennis.

            I have frequent phone calls with Dick Goldman; he still plays golf and tennis and does some legal work. Kay and I plan to have lunch with Dick and his lady friend in February in Weston, Florida.

            I have kept in contact with Rick and Brenda Pank. Rick is doing well after his stroke. He speaks well and walks well.

             I still play some golf, casually and not competitively. But I play online bridge on Mondays with Barbara Levine, Art Levine’s wife. Art and Barbara are now on a two-week family cruise. I play casual bridge with Ted Wieseman on Thursdays. Ted has used oxygen and hopes to put it in the past. He also visits Walt Karney, who is in a nursing home.

Burr Edwards commented again on the legacy issue. Harvard will give preference to a legacy if two candidates are equally promising. He believes that is fair (and I agree).

            My next request will simply ask to respond to show you can.

Happy New Year!
