CLASS OF 2007 | 2023 | FALL ISSUE

Hello, Class of 2007!

Lydia Bell is now set up as a psychotherapist! She is working in a group practice in Manhattan called Intuitive Healing. She specializes in relational trauma, early parenthood, and work with creative people.

Scout James has been invited to join the Groundlings Sunday Company in Los Angeles.

Mariel Piña and her wife, Eva, welcomed future Wesleyan graduate (without any legacy privileges, of course), baby Rafael into their family. Mariel works as the deputy commissioner for her county’s department of mental health in New York, working to ensure equal and appropriate access to all. Mariel and her family have spent a lot of time with Wes grads recently, including at the wedding of Molly Gaebe and Leila Bozorg ’04Ali Green was also there to help celebrate along with many others! In a recent trip to Philly, Mariel, Erich Klothen ’08, and Kim Davies caught up, and they always have time for a trip to New Hampshire to see Jon King!  Hew X forever!