CLASS OF 1969 | 2017 | ISSUE 3
Jim Weinstein “saw Suzie and Steve Mathews in Nashville, while I viewed the eclipse. Met their son Topper, daughter Amanda, and two grandchildren. I’ll be singing a Christmas concert at the Kennedy Center. Presents to myself for my 70th—travel to Caribbean, Dordogne, Southeast Asia, Pacific Northwest—still to come, Dubai, Maldives, and northern lights in Alaska. Blessed to love my work, yet be flexible to go when and where I want.”
Bill Sketchley said, “Peripheral neuropathy claims my body. I don’t recommend it. Docs say I have an extremely advanced case. Too bad for me. Mind and spirit still high. ‘Simple is fast’ was my sailing motto. It’s also true in life. Best wishes and would love to hear from classmates.”
Harry Nothacker’s “first grandchild, Pierce Hudson Nothacker, was born in San Francisco to son Keith and his wife, Theresa. All doing well on limited sleep.”
Rich Frost “retired five years ago after 35 years of internal medicine in northern New York. Saw polar bears in Svalbard. I write regional history and travel columns. A novel, Final Season, about a man who rejects treatment for a potentially fatal disease to follow a favorite baseball team around the country, is on Amazon.”
Doug Bell’s “Palm Harbor house suffered minimal damage. Very blessed. Many wonderful first responders, EMTs, police and fire, utility workers. Thank you. So many inspire me. I’ve had a good life and hopefully more to come. Babysit for our 4-month-old grandson.”
Steve Knox and his wife “bought a small house in Montford, N.C. Will retire there to be closer to daughters Caroline ’03 and Susannah. Did the spectacular train ride from Banff to Vancouver.”
Pete Pfeiffer wrote, “Just a few big tree stumps up here. With all the natural disasters, Maine looks kind of okay. Have been planning a trip around the U.S. this winter. I should keep my thoughts to myself because I think about a place and it gets wiped out. Saw Milt Christianson at a lovely soirée.”
John Bach “works with Harvard students affected by rescinding of DACA. We all are where we belong. The final curtain approaches with joys/sorrows, triumphs/defeats. I sometimes don’t know one from the other, but they are what make us wealthy, the living manifestations of the Wesleyan experience.”
Tony Mohr “attended Bread Loaf in Erice, Sicily, a medieval hilltop village. Writing and workshops. I’m about to start a medical malpractice trial.”
Bill Schroder’s blog,, “has over 1,000 posts. New art and ideas. A rewarding experience.” Check it out. It will make you laugh and think.
From Rameshwar Das, “The is thriving. Wife Kate Rabinowitz ’83 studies for an MSW at NYU. I’m working on a book with Ram Dass, leading meditation classes, and heading to India to put a plug in the wall. Celebrated Jeff Wanshel’s 70th at his place overlooking Long Island Sound.”
John Mihalec’s Reunion idea: “Show us the applications we made to Wes, especially the essay. What did we think of ourselves and futures 50 years ago?”

Alice and Ed Hayes “cope in D.C., which is a very entertaining political circus. Traveled to Venice, Florence, and Rome to find the fountain of youth. Still looking. Come to D.C. and witness the fun.”
Sue and Paul Melrose and Wendy and Fred Coleman help raise money for The River Food Pantry in Madison, Wis.
Jim Dreyfus, with Norton Rose Fulbright, was honored as a tax specialist by Super Lawyers.
Pete Arenella said, “I hope all is well with you and yours.”
Early fall. Red and yellow in the trees. Poison ivy vines bright red. Las Vegas shooting is today’s headline. I remember the Texas Tower sniper. Bad, bad news. Hurricanes, devastation in the Caribbean, saber-rattling. We question the world we are leaving to children and grandchildren.
We enjoy a gilded life. A cozy condo, water aerobics, good friends, decent health, enough money, wide sidewalks, senior activities. Kit Reed died last week. Including her husband Joe, I took eight classes with them. They were lifelong friends. Not many left from our era—Herb Arnold, Jerry Wensinger, Karl Scheibe, Pete Pringle, and a few others.
Always love,
Charlie Farrow |
11 Coulter Street, #16, Old Saybrook, CT 06475