CLASS OF 2004 | 2016 | ISSUE 3

Congratulations are in order for David Whiting. David reports, “My wife and I have a beautiful baby boy! Aksel Smythe Whiting was born on Sept. 6 and everyone is happy and healthy. We are still living in Brooklyn and I am still working with the communications marketing firm, Edelman, as a senior vice president in the public affairs division.”
More great news. Robbie Roose and Katie Zackin ’10 were engaged in August after a romantic proposal at Cannon Beach, Ore. The couple had been living together for the last couple years in the Boston area and relocated to Portland, Ore. They will get married next August in western Massachusetts. Katie graduated from MGH in the spring and is a pediatric nurse practitioner. Robbie runs corporate development and investor relations for Avid Technology.
Brian Hennessey writes, “I’m still working for a multinational telecom company in Paraguay. Work is great and living in Asuncion continues to be fun. Any Wes folks visiting the country should find me on Wesconnect and say ’hi.’ It would be my pleasure to show you around or recommend things to do.”
Lauren Kelly writes, “I have good news. I graduated in May from Columbia University with a PhD in English education. In August, I began a postdoctoral research fellowship with Boston University’s School of Education. I look forward to reading and sending you more updates in the future.”
Jenina Nuñez |
Meeghan Whooley Ward |