CLASS OF 1949 | 2015 | ISSUE 2
In a letter I received from Dave Richards he makes reference to a previous class note I wrote concerning the diminishing number of ’49 classmates. He made the point that he can still be counted as one of those still with us. He also made the point that he is one of the older members of our class, apparently 91 years of age, which makes him a year older than I. Dave further states that he walks a couple of miles a day and is in good health.
Dave and his wife, Mary, traveled through a “good bit of the world,” as he puts it. As a former architect he developed artistic skills and applied those skills to drawing pen-and-ink sketches of places through which they traveled. He has incorporated those sketches in a book, Some Thoughts on Sketching, and is sending a copy to Wesleyan for its creative arts classes.
I appreciate the letter from Dave, as I get very little information from classmates and his was an interesting and succinct description of his career, travels, and current activities. How about the rest of you who remain on this earth: Your friends and classmates want to hear about you…and don’t leave me hanging like this, begging for something and someone to write about.