Jed Koslow ’99 (above left next to brother Rory ’04) along with Aaron Yowell ’99 and Alex Nemeth ’99, as well as two additional friends, raised more than $34,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, through sponsorships and pledges for their commitment to run in the Wildflower Triathlon, held in Los Angeles last spring. Their team, the Brooklyn Landsharks, trained with Team In Training, a fundraising chapter of the Society. The Landsharks earned a place in a recent book on philanthropy for their success in garnering financial support. “We were assertive and creative,” Koslow explains, with teammates selling and auctioning goods (t-shirts with an original design) and services (a gourmet dinner party, prepared and served by the Landsharks). Koslow, who had never participated in a triathlon before, cites his younger brother, Rory ’04, a two-time triathlete who raised more than $30,000 for the society, as his inspiration. The Koslow brothers look forward to completing future triathlon together.