Class of 2002 | 2014 | Issue 1
Hey, Class of 2002! Happy 2014! The other morning I woke up with the Fight Song stuck in my head… and I realized that instead of trekking over Foss Hill in the snow to go to Mocon (RIP), 12 years have passed since our graduation from Wesleyan. It’s simply amazing how time flies by. We’ve fully entrenched in our 30s now. Engagements, weddings, babies, new houses and new jobs are the new norm. Never forget the great memories of the past as we make new memories for the future. Exciting times await!
Congratulations to the new parents of our class! Sarabeth Broder-Fingert and her wife Heidi Alexander welcomed daughter Zoey Alexander into the world in June! Thus far, she has enjoyed the company of many Wes grads! Allyson Miller and her husband, Michael Coppola ’03, welcomed their first child, Zachary, on July 5, 2013. He’s been to Wesleyan several times already and is looking forward to becoming a member of the Class of 2035! Dana Sirota, her husband Josh, and big sister Emma are happy to welcome Gabriel to their family, born Nov. 12th. And Sara Shandler Banks and husband Peter Banks ’01 are enjoying life with their 18-month-old daughter, Hazel, in Brooklyn.
Onto other news for the class:
Anna Johnson and her husband Jesse Brand are finally, after 16 years of graduate and post-graduate training between them, settled in Washington, D.C. Anna is an assistant professor at Georgetown University, and Jesse is a neuropsychologist in a group neurology practice. Their daughter Willa, who turned 2 in October, is considering a career in music. Anna and Jesse were thrilled to celebrate Ximena Sarango’s wedding to James Lensen-Callas in August in Portland, Ore., with lots of other Wes ’02-ers.”

Peter Mongillo left his job in Austin, Texas., as the music critic for the Austin American-Statesman and returned to New York, where he is working as a booking coordinator at MSG Entertainment. He and his wife, Rebecca D’Orsogna, welcomed their second child, Evan Reed, in June.
Angie Schiavoni is launching a new website in January 2014 that’s currently in private beta. It’s called Mamajamas, and it is a site to help expecting and new parents figure out what baby gear they really need by sharing lists with each other. Check it out at
Sallomé Hralima is chief dream director for The Future Project, with her work focused on hiring and training superheroes to work in America’s public high schools.
Ryan Akers is enjoying the first year of married life. He is still working at Anchor Brewing and happy to sneak any Wes Class of ’02 alums on the difficult-to-book brewery tour; just send him an e-mail! He’s looking forward to his annual ski trip with Daniel Winokur, Paul Kim, and Chris Lynch; this year makes it 10 in a row!
That’s it for this issue! Feel free to send notes throughout the year to me at my e-mail below: