WILLIAM D. ROWE, formerly president of Rowe Research & Engineering Associates, died May 16, 2012. He was 82. A member of Sigma Chi, he received an M.S. from the University of Pittsburgh, an MBA from the University of Buffalo, and a Ph.D. in business administration from American University. He also received a diploma in theological studies from Virginia Theological Seminary. A self-employed consultant, he taught risk analysis at American University, worked at MITRE Corporation and Westinghouse, and served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Radiation Programs at the EPA. He was an accomplished musician and the author of books and articles on energy risk management. He is survived by four children, including Dr. William D. Rowe Jr. ’80; six grandchildren; his brother; his daughter-in-law, Teresa A. Kosciuk-Rowe ’81, M.D; and his stepdaughter, Alexandra S. Terninko ’92.