Deborah Stuckey Mulhern ’78

Debbie Stuckey and Wes friends, summer 2016 on Cape Cod

“Deborah Stuckey Mulhern ’78 passed away on Jan. 6, 2019, surrounded by family and friends, including two daughters and a son—Kiera, Hayley, and Will. She had been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer five years earlier. Marilyn Fagelson ’78, Elise Bean ’78, and I had visited with her just two weeks before, spending a lovely day trimming her Christmas tree and cherishing what was clearly close to the end of 45 years of friendship that started in Clark Hall freshman year and wound through Delta Tau and the William Street apartments and Foss Hill and McConaughy. Debbie was a government major and then got her doctorate in psychology from Boston U and Harvard.  She was a family relationship therapist with her own practice in Washington, D.C. At Wes, Debbie was a fabulous dancer and singer. Her intense joy in music, among countless other things, will be remembered by us and many other classmates.”

Thank you to Ruth Pachman ’78 for this heartfelt tribute.