Elliott DeGraff ’55

Elliott DeGraff ’55 passed away on Oct. 24, 2017 at the age of 84. DeGraff majored in psychology at Wesleyan. After transferring, he earned a degree in aeronautical engineering from New York University. He worked as an engineer for NASA’s unmanned spacecraft and satellite programs. A member of the United Flying Octogenarians, DeGraff was a flight instructor and a volunteer pilot for an animal rescue organization. He was also an accomplished musician who played the guitar, banjo, and mandolin. He is survived by his wife, Martha Jo, his brother, Chris, and wife Sandra, his brother, Eric, and wife Nancy, his daughter, Pamela Porter, and husband Hobart, his daughter Jill Thorpe, and five grandchildren.

We thank the family of Mr. DeGraff for this information.