RICHARD H. HUDDLESTON, a former director of development at Wesleyan, and an executive in nonprofit educational institutions, died Jan. 5, 2017, at age 78. He was a member of Eclectic and received his degree with honors. An American Field Service Exchange student in Athens, Greece, he was also a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Florence, Italy, and an Italian History Research Scholar in Rome, Italy. He received master’s and PhD degrees in European history from the University of California, Berkeley. He worked at the University of North Carolina and at New College before returning to Wesleyan, where he directed annual giving and then development. Serving Wesleyan both as a volunteer and as an employee, he was secretary for his class for many years, co-class agent, and Reunion co-chair. In addition to his 22 years at Wesleyan, his professional career was solely in the nonprofit world, with service to such organizations as Winrock International, a Rockefeller international agricultural research and development foundation, as well as World Learning, and Save the Children. Survivors include his wife, Lindsey Hall Huddleston, and two children, including Michael A. Huddleston ’90.