S. EDWARD EATON ’37, a research chemist and business developer at Arthur D. Little, died Jan. 2, 2013. He was 97. A member of Alpha Delta Phi, he was the cousin of the late Walter Guyton Cady, professor emeritus of physics. During his 26-year career at Arthur D. Little he led more than 100 projects and held 14 patents. During World War II he was part of a group of scientists with the Office of Scientific Research and Development, helping the War Department decipher messages in invisible ink.

As a chemist, he worked on nuclear weapons and later on what he felt those weapons threatened, world peace, and he focused on causes that mattered to him. His first wife, Dorothy Gittins Eaton, predeceased him. Among those who survive are his wife, Teri Sands Eaton, four children, one stepdaughter, four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and his brother-in-law, Professor of Music Emeritus Richard K. Winslow.